Chapter 38

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i open my eyes slowly to find myself in my hotel room , i feel two strong arms around me and for a second i think , what if it was all a bad dream , what if Harry is the one wraping his arms around me , i turn around to find ........James ! shit ! what the fuck is he doing here !! did we ....!!! i look under the covers we were both dressed ! thank god !! but what is he doind here , i can't remember much from yesterday ! i got pretty drunk !!

he open his eyes slowly with a smile on his face

him : morning beautiful

me : m-morning

and he must see that i am not comfortable with him inches away from my face cause he sit up

me : um , James ? !! what happend yesterday !?

he start to laugh

him : don't worry we didn't have sex , am not that kind of guys !

i sigh in relief

him : but you were pretty drunk , and i brought you here , but you didn't want to sleep alone so you asked me to stay .

i nod and start to get up from the bed

James : am gonna go and change my clothes , we'll meet down stairs

me : okay , see you .

and with that he walk out , and i go take a shower .

i was walking to the room where we had breakfest in yesterday , but as i got closer i hear two people talking quitlly , the door was opend a little so i stop inftont of it and listen a little , it was dad and James talking

dad : so James how is everything ?

james : we're good Paul , now that Harry dude is out of the way , she will fall for me !

OMG !! is he serious !! i put my hand over my mouth so that i don't make a sound

dad : remember James we are only doing this to make her happy !!

okay that's it , i puch the door wide open and walk in


dad : Bella , calm down ..

me : don't tell me to calm down !! you wanted Harry to go !!!

dad : darling he is no good for you ! you need to be with someone who can protect you !!

me : and who is that person is !!!

he look at James who look down to his feet like he's embarresd

me : you ....i thought you were my friend !

James : Bell..

me : don't !!! dad you think James is the one for me huh ?? where was he when i almosr got killed ? when was he when i felt so sad and so depressd that i thought about killing myself !! did he took a boulet for me ?

dad : ..

me : no !! Harry was there !! through everything !! he took a god damn boulet for me !!

James was out of the room by now , so it was just me and dad

dad : please Bella ! i only want what's best got you !

me : dad ..... am not a little girl anymore i can decide what's best for me !

dad : please give him a chance , i already bought you two an apartment here ! it's very beautiful , you will like it

me : dad please ! i don't want to live with James ! i don't even like to stay here in California !

dad : just think about it for a while ....please

i sigh , this is going nowhere

me : okay dad , i'll think about it .

and with that am out of the room , as i walk to the elevator James come to me

James : Bella please !! am sorry i ..

me : no James ! i don't want to talk to you right now !

James : why not !!! Styles is out of your life now !! we can start a new life together !!

i stop and turn to him

me : out of my life ?? a new life ?? together ?? first of all , Harry IS my life , and second we only know each other a few days now !! what life are you talking about !!

him : no ! you can't do this ! since i was 18 and you dad told me about you and we start to keep an eye on you , i felt for you !! i was always in your life Bella , watching you from far away , and with each day i fall even more in love with you , and these few days had been heaven for me !!

me : your sick you know that !!

the elevator open and i get in and head back to my room ! what a sick basterd !


as she walk away i feel like she is dragging my heart with her , h-how can she not love me !! i love her so much , her words keep playing in my mind over and over again " he's my life " how can she pick that dick over me !

i look at my watch it's 12 pm , i have a feeling that she is gonna go and call that jerk and tell him to come andget her !! i can't let that happen ,i just got her i can't lose her , i just can't !

if she doesn't want to love me , i'll make her ...

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