chapter 13

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we were driving fast him in the front and me following , but there were two black cars that they keap driving behind us , at first i didn't give it much attention  but now i am starting to think what if it's Derek's men !!? cause one thing i know for sure that Derek knows everybody and everybody knows him ! what if someone recognise me from the Bar !! .

there was a red light and Harry stop , i drive next to his car and make him a signe with my hand to pull over , he nod and when the light is green we drive a little to get away from the cars then we pul over , i get out of the car and so did he

him : what's the matter ?

me :i-i think someone is following us !

him : what ? who ?

i look behind and indeed the two cars had pulled over across us

him : thoes ?

me : yeah ! they been following us from the Bar , at first i didn't give it much attention but ...

him : okay listen to me we have to lose them !

me : how ?

him : okay listen ! we will go on separated roads ! you go through the highway and i will take the short cut and we meet know the liquer store next to the river ?

me : yeah

him : okay there is a small ally next to the store we meet there and we switch casr real quick then we will figure things out from there okay ?

me : okay .

and with that we go back to our cars and i head to the hightway , one car is following me and am sure the other is after Harry ! as soon as i get to the hightway i speed up and try to lose the car !

GOD ! it felt so good to drive with so much speed ! i forgot the rush you feel when you just let loose and just Drive none stop ! like your on clouds !.

after a few minutes of driving fasr in the highway i lost the car nd i went to the Ally that Harry told me about , as i parked the car Harry came , i got out of the car and he did

him : are you okay ?

me : yeah yeah i lost him !

him : really ! well am impressed

me with sarcasm : why do you always think so low of me !

he just smirk then say

him : okay give me your kees !

i give it to him and he give me his

me : OMG ! i am gonna Drive THAT Babe !?

him : you take care of her ! are you listening to me ?

me : HA HA ! what are you scared that i would hurt your Babe !

him : i am worning you Baby doll if you even scratch her i will kill you !

me : Baby doll !? ........whatever you know you love me cream face .

he laugh and with that we get in the cars , but then i roll down the window andd say to him

me : Hey ! what if they catch us again ? i dn't know the way to yur place ,!

him : it's okay ! just follow me ! if we had to go on separated ways i will call you.

i nod , and we hit the road .

Thank God that the two cars didn't follow us far ! we manage to loose them through the cars then we continued our way .

The North side is not as bad as Derek always describe it ! as we pass the town it is actually beautiful ! but for a few minutes now we have been driving through fields and empty roads ! and i wonder where the fuck are we going ! i am there is no houses here or any sign of life !! does he live in a fucking cave !!!.

i was still making sarcastic comments in my mind when a very nice house came into few ! okay i didn't see that coming ! it is so cool ! and so big ! and the fact that there are no houses next to it at all makes it more amazing !! we drive a little more then we stop infront of the house , Harry get out with my bag on his shoulder , then he walk to me , i get out and he say 

him : how are you Babe ?

me : am fine thnx 

him : oh i wasn't talking to you , i was talking to my babe .

and he put his hand on the car hood , and with a smirk on his face he turn around and start walking to the house 

me : Jerk .

he walk inside and i follow , it is really nice inside and to my surprise it is clean ! one thing that i didn't expect !! i mean come on he is a boy !!

we walk to the living room and he sit down on the couch

me : um, Harry ?

him : yeah ?,

me :  i need to use the bathroom !

him : last door down the hallway

me : okay , thanx .

i walk down the hallway , and when i open the last door i found ......

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