Chapter 23

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after Harry stormd out of the room , i lean on the door frame and sigh

me : he's so stubborn

Zayn get up and come to me , he wrap his arms around me

Zayn : please Bella , it's for your own good

me : but i don't know what am gonna find there !

Zayn : exactly ! you don't know ! so if anything happen Harry can protect you .

one tear roll down my cheek and Zayn wipe it

me : but if something happen to him or anyone of you , i-i .....won't forgive myself

we wrap hiw arms tight around me and i hug him back , more tears came down my cheeks

Zayn : don't worry about us ! we can take care of ourselfs ! .

after staying with the boys a little more , i went up to my room to start packing !

i start puting my clothes in my bag , then i went to the bathroom to get my things and when i came back i found Harry in my room , he was sitting on the bed ! i put my things in the bag then sit next to him

me : are you sure about it this Harry ?

him : yes Bella

me : GOD ! this is so stupid ! i never meant to get you involved in my fucked up life

him : i like being in your fucked up life .

we laugh then we stay silent !

me : why are you doing this Harry ? the real reason ?

he was quit for a second then he looked at me in the eyes and said

him : i have no fucking idea , but i have this strong feeling that i am not suppose to let you go alone !

me : ah , okay !

i have to say i was a little disappointed , i was hoping for an other answer ! but am a fool ! what was i expecting ! for him to tell me he loves me , GOD ! am so stupid , after all he told me she don't do all that shit !

him : what is *?

me : uh ? n-nothing !

him : did you expect some other reason !

i blush and look away

me : no ! why would i !

him : OMG ! are you bludhing !!

me : what ! no ! don'y be stupid  i don't blush !

he grab my chin and turn my head so i was looking at him

him : you are blushing !

me : no am not !

i push him playfully and we start laughing

him : well your cute when you laugh !

i smile and try my best to not blush again ! what is happening to me ! i never blush !!

after a few minutes of silence he stand up

him : well i should let you finish paking , and we will meet down stairs !

me : okay .

i turn around and finsh putting my things .

after an hour , i get down to find them sitting in the living room , when they see me , they stand up and Zayn came and took my bag

me : thanx

he smile at me

Harry : ready?

i sigh and nod , i walk to the boys and hug them tightly one by one , then Harry do the same

Louis : if you need anything just call us

me : will do

Zayn : take care of her Styles !

Harry laugh then look at me

Harry : no need to tell me Malik !

i smile then we walk out to find a black Range rover infront of the house

me : waw , you keep on surprising me Styles

he laugh

Harry : there is more to come Doll !

i laugh and he open the door for me , i mouth a "thank you " , then he get in and we start to drive away , i wave to the boys one more time and we head to the airport ...

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