Chapter 1

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The Prison Island

Mahi and group found themselves a clean spot in jungle and decided to build their camp. While Abhir used his super strength in digging the poles to the ground, Mishti made a force field around them just in case.

Mahi was sitting under a tree meditating, she smiled as the positive emotions of the animals in her surrounding hit her. She also sent a calmn wave of vibes back to them, emotion manuplation was sure fun.

Her brows frowed as she came across someone who felt hurt, anger and fear. Her eyes opened as she looked up the prison on top of the hill.

 Her eyes opened as she looked up the prison on top of the hill

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A shiver went down her spine as she hugged herself. The mere look of the place scared her and that guy was living there since he was four. Only God knows how much pain he felt both mentaly and physically.

"Kya hua?" She jumped a bit forward as Abhir kept a hand on her shoulder. He raised a brow as she pulled herself together.

"Kuchh nahi bas ese lagaya?" She asked as he nodded, he thought she was hiding something but brushed it off.

At night Mahi came out of her tent after trying to sleep for a while but with no luck. She sighed sitting by the remains of the bonfire as the same fear and pain hit her, this time stronger.

She bit her lip as the thought of visiting the prison came in her mind. It was dangerous place that was sure but the thought of a innocent guy trapped at the place, suffering for just being himself tugged at her heart.

She quitetly walked to Mishbhir's tent and peeped in, the couple was asleep. It was the best time to go. She quitely left the place and started climbing the hill.

Here, Shrey woke up from his unconscious state and looked around. Same room, same chains, same darkness. He had lost the hope of seeing the world or be treated kindly a long time.

He knew no one was going to come and mend his broken self, he is the monster of the stories mother's tell their kids to make them sleep. Why would anyone love him? This pattern of thinking was the sign that the people has finally broken the innocent boy he once was who had dreams, wishes.....a heart but now he is a heartless monster.

His thoughts broke when he felt a new aura approaching the hell they call his home. Everybody has different auras which were diffrentiated by the feeling that dominates them for example the guards of the prison have a aura filled with fear, while scientist had a proud filled one and he had the power to sense them.

But this was diffrent the aura had warmth, something that made his stomach contract in a knot but mind relax, a feeling he never felt before and it made him scared what if he is again being played with? What if this was just a trick to lure him in and break him even more.

Mahi on the other hand was successful in sneaking in the facility without breaking a sweat, perks of having mind manuplation. She closed her eyes focusing, searching for the fear she felt before.

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