Chapter 19

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Mahi walked out as the house blew up behind her, a lone tear slipped from her eyes as she wore the glasses and sat in the passenger seat, once her men also settled she left. First time in her life she has killed someone, someone who was innocent.

"Kaam hogaya" She said when they reached the Dixit mansion, Nakul looked at one of the men who went with her for reassurance.

"Ji sar mene khud dekha hai" He replied and Nakul smirked and shook hands with her. The day passed with work going on and soon the night fell. At exact midnight Mahi carefully sneaked out of the mansion.

She drove for at least an hour and stopped in front of a house on the outskirts of the city. She knocked on the door and it opened immediately. Meera pulled her in and closed the door behind her, she hugged Mahi.

Mahi told her not to worry and went upstairs, she opened the door and her eyes teared up looking at the sight.

Mahi told her not to worry and went upstairs, she opened the door and her eyes teared up looking at the sight

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The fear and anxiousness raidiating off Karan remindid her of Shrey. She wiped off her tears and walked towards him.

He flinched back feeling the touch on his shoulder, he is scared to be honest and why won't he be its not everday a girl kills someone and control their corpse like they are alive.

"You.." He said standing up suddenly, he is scared of her.

"Karan listen.." She said but he startes backing up as she stepped forward. Now she can understand how Shrey would have felt when people ran away from him.

"You killed them, you bloody killed them" He mumbled still backing up. Mahi suddenly rushed forward and kept a hand behind his head just in time to save from getting hit on the wall and one on the mouth.

"Shh its okay Karan. Kuchh nahi hoga" She said softly using her powers to calmn him down. He lokked in her brown cold eyes with his teary hazel ones.

 He lokked in her brown cold eyes with his teary hazel ones

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She slowly removed her hand from his mouth, his eyes reminded her of Shrey, not only eyes but HIM

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She slowly removed her hand from his mouth, his eyes reminded her of Shrey, not only eyes but HIM. He is just like him to be honest

While for him, he has remembered her since the day they collided at that park. For some reason he always wanted to know her.

Lost in their thoughts they didn't catch themselves leaning in and soon their lips came together.

Karan wrapped a arm and lifted her up, she wrapped her legs around his waist, tugging at his hair softly.

"What wa.." Karan didn't complete as Mahi kept a finger on his lips after they pulled away. Before Karan can process what was happening, his vision went black and he fell forward, right in her arms.

 Before Karan can process what was happening, his vision went black and he fell forward, right in her arms

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She layed him down and caressed his hair softly. She had questions in her mind which Meera and Krishna has to answer and before that she had to start the last stage of the plan.

She went to get up but stopped feeling a grip on her hand.

She smiled and kissed his forehead softly, he smiled in his sleep and let her go

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She smiled and kissed his forehead softly, he smiled in his sleep and let her go.

On the other hand Nakul was waiting for her to give her a unexpected shock.


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Swagat to karo hamara 😎

Radhe Radhe. ❤

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