Chapter 23

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Shrey cracked his neck and knuckles taking a fighting stance against Nakul, while Mahi gets ready to fight Alishia.

Shrey cracked his neck and knuckles taking a fighting stance against Nakul, while Mahi gets ready to fight Alishia

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(Wanda as Mahi)

"I hope you remember last time" Shrehi said in unison making Nakul clench his teeth. Shery uses his speed to get to him and punch him right in the face.

While Alishia attacks Mahi, the fight seems to be between equally matched opponents until Shrehi decides to take the upper hand. Mahi uses his powers and to keep Alishia in place and then slam her in the wall.

While Shrey was beating up Nakul, he grabbed his neck and slammed him in the ground. Shrey turns hearing a blade sound and his eyes widen seeing huge blade approaching his friends.

"Lets see Mahi who you save you love or you friends" Alishia said appearing beside him and stabbing him, making him groan. Shivi's eyes widen seeing her end infront of her but it stops mid way.

 Shivi's eyes widen seeing her end infront of her but it stops mid way

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Mahi looked back at her friends seeing them a bit scared and gives them a small smile

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Mahi looked back at her friends seeing them a bit scared and gives them a small smile. She looks at Crystal and nodded her head.

"Follow him and get out of here" She said opening their restrains.

"But to aur Shrey?" Abhir asked concerned.

"We got this" She said smiling, her friends left and she jumped in the arena again. Alishia was holding Shrey in a neck lock which pissed her off.

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