The Problem With New Orleans

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AN: I don't know when the next update will be, but hopefully within the next week or so!

The reason behind me taking down this the first time was because I didn't know where to take this in the next chapter, so here I am now. I decided to rewrite the entire chapter, so I hope you all enjoy! Let me know what you think! It means the world to me. =)

Catch'ya on the flip side Laterzzz ~LoveLiving


I was seriously starting to second guess my decision to stay with Elijah and Klaus while on our mission to retrieve Rebekah and Hope. I felt like jumping out of the vehicle! I was tired and cranky for crying out loud! Klaus didn't make the situation any easier as he kept pestering me constantly. "What is it with you and your inability to listen to direct orders?!" Klaus was just as grumpy as I was. The only difference was I wasn't murderous when I was grumpy. "I'm not one of your minions Klaus. You can't just order me around like you did with your hybrids. I'm not sired to you." I groaned tiredly. I rested my head against the cool glass of the window closing my eyes hoping that he would leave it at that.

Of course this was Klaus we were talking about and he couldn't let someone else have the last word. "Maybe not but I can compel you!" I shook my head, eyebrows furrowed. "What's with you and your threats. Whether it's using peoples emotions against them, threatening to compel them to do what you want, or daggering your siblings when they go against your wishes." I saw both brothers stiffen slightly. Klaus with absolute raw fury, and Elijah uncomfortably. "That is a low blow love. As I recall you have daggered both Elijah and Rebekah." Despite his evident rage he managed to keep his emotions level and his voice devoid of any telltale signs that someone is about to be killed. By someone I mean me. "I did that because they were a threat to my friends and family. Surely you both understand. What's your little saying-- Always and Forever? Well I may not have had forever with them, but I would protect them all until the bitter end." I said with such finality that I saw the shock I had given the both of them.

The next few hours were spent in silence.

Fourteen and a half hours outside of New Orleans Klaus pulled the car over to the side of the road. "So who wants to drive the home stretch?" Klaus said as he cracked his knuckles. "Sure." I complied sliding out of the backseat and clambering up to the front as Klaus got out and went to the passenger side backseat.

I started the ignition and pulled out of the rest stop. Turning on the satellite radio; Feel So Close by Calvin Harris came on. I felt the emotional floodgates burst right open as I felt the intense need to curl into bed and cry my eyes out. This song had so many memories. The time Damon took me to Whitmore College when Bonnie was talking with Professor Shane. Damon was trying to show me how to feed and have fun at the same time. Sure it got out of hand, but all was forgiven eventually, and now I could hardly listen to this song without thinking about him. His gorgeous cerulean blue eyes, his raven black hair that was so silky soft, the thing he did with his eyes that made me warm all over, that arrogant, self-righteous smirk he got whenever he knew he had me backed in a corner.

"What's got you so down and melancholy-like." I nearly blanched as my foot pressed slightly on the brakes. I regained my composure quickly enough as I replied. "The song. This is the our song. Mine and D-Damon's." I didn't mean for my voice to falter, but even after this amount of time, talking about him still made me uneasy. "Ah, this is about the elder Salvatore. I would've thought youd've moved along by now. You've lost so many people you cared about. I can't believe you only turned your emotions off that once. With all those emotions inside your petite body you'd think that after so much loss you'd turn it off and keep it off. It is easier that way." He was obviously goading me. I had long since learned not to rise to the occasion. "Katherine was a raging bitch, but she did make sense this once. She told me to just deal with it. Well people deal with different things in different ways. You kill, manipulate, and maim when someone turns their back on you. Simply because you don't like to be disappointed. You threaten when you are upset. Not everyone is as psychotic as you are. I fret over issues and problems for months on end. I shut myself out. I eat too much ice cream, watch The Notebook too many times, and drink way too much alcohol. We do that because it's our scapegoat. It's our way of letting things in before we can let them go." I honestly didn't know when I became a therapist.

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