Sacrifice in Mardi Gras City

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The following morning Elena woke feeling as sense of confidence. She was sure that they would take care of the witches and ensure Hope's safety. Waking up with the sun made her feel like it was Christmas morning when she was a kid. Overly excited about what Santa Claus had brought for her in the night. It was that same feeling in the pit of her stomach. The perfect concoction of excitement and nervousness that made her stomach turn in knots. 

The family was to meet with Marcel and his vampires around noon to discuss battle strategy. So Elena had many hours to wring her hands nervously and pace in excitement. "You know if you keep pacing like that you'll wear a hole through the floor." A voice murmured from the doorway. Klaus stood in a pair of loose, low hanging flannel PJ pants. Elena smiled apprehensively letting out a shaky laugh. "I'm just so happy that this is all going to be over soon." The hybrid walked up behind the younger vampire. Wrapping his arms around her midsection he rocked them back and forth slightly. "When this is all over there will be someone else to take the witches place. By now I'm sure you're aware of this. Our lives will never be normal."Klaus whispered sadly into her ear. "I don't care as long as I am by your side. I will fight beside you and your family for the rest of forever." Elena promised holding onto Klaus' arms following his rocking motion. 

"As sweet as these sentiments are I have to break you guys up. We need to talk." Both the hybrid and the vampire startled at hearing the new voice. Obviously too wrapped up in each other to pay any attention to their surroundings. "What do you want, Hayley?" Klaus groaned placing his head into the crook of Elena's neck causing the young vampire to shriek at the feeling of his warm breath fanning across her neck. "We need to talk about Hope." She demanded in a set tone. Elena had a feeling they wouldn't get along so well. "Well come along then. Let's sit down and deal with this." Klaus pulled Elena down next to him on one of the couches. "I meant alone." Hayley sneered sending Elena a disgusted look. "Anything you have to say about Hope can be said in front of Elena. She is just as much a part of her life as you are, if not more so." Elena could tell that Klaus was just as fed up with the wolf as she was. "Whatever." Hayley sat in the armchair across from the two. 

After an hour Hayley and Klaus were practically at each others throats. "Klaus it isn't that much of a stretch. You look after Hope and I can come and see her as I want." Hayley demanded in an exasperated tone. "Absolutely not! You expect that I take absolute care of Hope and allow you to just pop in as you wish to see her? I will not allow it. Your pack has always come first with you. I can't trust you with the life of our daughter." Klaus explained vehemently. Elena was in agreement with Klaus on this on. "The only reason I left you in favour for my pack was because you had sent Hope away with your sister." Hayley tried to shove her lack of parental responsibility on Klaus. Elena looked at the wolf as if she suddenly turned into Cerberus, the three headed dog that guards the underworld. "You can't blame him for you wandering off. Sure you didn't have to stay with him. The least you could've done was answer their calls. When Hope went missing you were no where to be found." Elena glared at her scrutinizingly. "I'll do whatever it takes to show you all that I am responsible enough to be in Hope's life." Hayley pleaded with a desperate look in her eyes. Despite being absolutely pissed at the werewolf Elena also felt like she deserved a second chance. "Klaus has to agree, but if you help us in the fight against the witches and pull your own weight we will discuss further about your visitation rights with Hope." Elena looked towards Klaus for confirmation. At first the hybrid looked ready to tear her head off, but after Elena gave him her best puppy dog eyes he caved. "Fine. But if you even give me one reason not to trust you with Hope..." Klaus didn't finish his threat. He didn't need to. Hayley nodded her head in agreement. Smiling widely she practically skipped out of the room. "I have no clue what I saw in her. She's too young and irresponsible to be a mother." Elena didn't say anything. She just planted  a kiss on his cheek and rubbed his back soothingly. Though she wondered if he felt that way about her. She didn't dwell on it too much.

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