Witches of Crescent City

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AN: You guys are way too lucky. I was in a serious writing mood today, so I spent most of it writing another chapter for you all.

So just a reminder. Vote/Comment!

Catch'ya on the flip side Laterzzz ~LoveLiving


Day five. Today was the day I was going to infiltrate the witch coven and rescue Hope. Elijah and I discussed what was going to happen. Like someone planning an itinerary for a vacation. First I would go to the witches as a distressed young vampire who had been wronged by Klaus Mikaelson. I would go to them seeking a way to make Klaus regret killing me. I would gain the witches trust to the point where I would be able to gain access to Hope. I would take Hope as soon as I got the chance and would retreat from the cemetery where the Mikaelson siblings along with Marcel and the vampires of New Orleans would back us up. I would lead the witches out of their safe haven only to lead them into a trap where they would turn into nothing but carnage.

I found myself in front of my intended destination, Rosseau's. I would meet with the restaurants owner, Sophie Devereaux. I would share my story and hope to meet with what Elijah called their elder's council. There I would share my story once again. If the elder witches thought me worthy I would be allowed admittance into the cemetery. I had exactly four days to rescue Hope. I wanted to get it done as quickly as possible. I wouldn't be allowed any contact with the vampires in New Orleans. Which meant I wasn't allowed to talk with the Mikaeslons. Namely Klaus. But being able to contact Elijah and Rebekah would be ideal as well.

I walked into the restaurant the normal waitress, Camille was behind the bar. She gave me a knowing look. Elijah and Klaus had filled her in and she was all in. She obviously didn't agree with the witches sacrificing Hope in a very selfish. She went to great lengths to make sure Sophie came in tonight. I sent the blond bartender a look asking if she had managed to get the witch to come to work. Camille sent a discreet glance towards the kitchen where a young woman was making gumbo. I walked up to the bar sitting down I pretended to gain Camille's attention. "Hi there. What can I get for ya?" Camille asked with a fake smile plastered against her face. "A bourbon on the rocks and a bowl of gumbo please." I ordered quietly. Camille nodded as she wrote down my order. "I'll get your drink. Sophie will be out with your gumbo in a few minutes." I said my thanks turning to the menu that was placed in front of me out of boredom. A bowl was placed in front of me. I looked up into the brown eyes of Sophie Devereux. "Hello... Vampire." Sophie sneered. I looked at her in confusion. "Don't play coy with me. I sensed you the moment you walked onto the street." I smiled slightly. "I am not your enemy Sophie. I came for your help." I truly did sound desperate. I watched as Sophie's demeanor cracked. "What do you mean?" I inwardly smiled. Step one in motion.

Sophie led me to a back room where we could speak in private. I sat in a chair and the witch sat across from me. Sophie leaned forward and coaxed me into speaking by placing her hands over mine. I looked up into her brown eyes and took a deep breath. "I am a vampire turned by Klaus Mikaelson's bloodline. I am the doppelganger that he used to break his curse. I unwillingly had vampire blood in my system when I died. I woke up on a pedestal in my own blood. I was alone and scared. Now I'm vengeful. I want to ruin Klaus' life like he ruined mine." My voice held the vengeance that backed my story. I saw Sophie break away her barrier that separated us disintegrated before my eyes. "I'm sorry. And what is your name?" "Elena Gilbert." Sophie nodded as she seemed to be having an internal debate. "I will make arrangements with my coven for you to meet with the council elders. You could be very beneficial to our plans if they accept you." I smiled brightly. Onto step two. "Where will you be staying tonight?" The witch asked me. I shrugged my shoulders nonchalantly. "I don't know yet. I saw a motel a few blocks up—" Sophie didn't let me finish. "You can stay with me tonight. Tomorrow you can meet with the elders. What do you say?" I nodded my head eagerly. "Thank you so much Sophie! That would be great."

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