Revelations in Crescent City

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AN: I am BACK! I knew from the start this was going to be a shorter story. And I swear this one won't end on a cliffhanger like Never Gonna Give In. I'm thinking another few chapters. I do have other stories I'm working on as well. I'm sorry for going MIA there for a bit once again. I have roughly one month left of school and during the summer I'll be getting quite a bit more story writing done. Have a good day/night (Depending on where you are I guess =P)

Catch'ya on the flip side Laterzzz ~LoveLiving


I glowered upon the young werewolf willing him to answer me. I knew he wasn't going anywhere until I got my answers. "I-I can't t-tell you..." The kid was shaking like a chihuahua. His eyes flickered around the dank alleyway looking anywhere but at me or my Original backup. I was shoved back slightly as Klaus got up in the boy's face. I felt waves of fear rolling off of him. It was invigorating I could taste his blood as it slid effortlessly down my throat. I pressed closer to the werewolf, but still had Klaus between us. "Listen and listen good pup because I am only going to give you one chance. I don't give a lick about your welfare. In my eyes if you die then there is no messenger. No one to report back. So you have two options. One; Answer and you can be on your way. Two; I can rip your tongue out of your mouth and then send it to your mother in a cardboard box. Really it's your choice." Klaus counted the choices off on two fingers. I shivered slightly recognizing that as his 'I'm calm, but someone's about to die' tone. "I don't know the guy. I never met him, but he said he was looking for her." The wolf gestured towards me. I stiffened not knowing how to respond to that. "That's not good enough, pup." Klaus growled edging forward. I backed up slightly to avoid being splashed by the wolf's blood. Sure I love blood, but this is a brand new top! "I-Uh... H-he's a w-werewolf. Said he and his f-friends were looking for her." The wolf quivered in fear his eyes pressed shut. I took this as a sign and took off with supernatural speed towards the compound.

<><><>Small Time Skip<><><>

I sat in one of the plain rooms in the compound. My legs curled up as I sat perched on the chair that adorned the room. I stared at the plain wall. I was thinking about what the werewolf had said. What werewolf would be looking for me? The only werewolf... It struck me. Tyler Lockwood was a werewolf. Last time I talked with Caroline she had told me that he had been struggling with the rage issues that came with having the wolf gene. Maybe something happened and he triggered it again? I rushed out of the room in a frenzy trying to find Klaus, Elijah, Rebekah... SOMEONE! I found Klaus, Elijah, Rebekah and Marcel around the conference room type table. Their heads all snapped up to me as I smiled like a fool. "Elena, what is it?" Rebekah asked. The four vampires looked at me as if I had officially lost it. "Tyler Lockwood. He was talking about Tyler." Recognition shone in Klaus' eyes as he nodded. "Of course. Your friends are worried for your safety once again. Well to keep them from sending another private supernatural investigator why don't you give those unrelenting friends of yours a call." He tossed me his cell phone. He was all too trusting that I wouldn't drop it. Luckily I was a vampire. That made it all the more easy to scoop it up. "Considering this is a phone worth a pretty penny maybe it wasn't the best idea to throw it at me?" I muttered while dialing Stefan's cell. "You are a vampire, love. I have trust in your reflexes." Klaus waved me off. I huffed in annoyance. 

I focused on the dial tone that had been ringing for a bit now. I was worried somewhat that I would be sent to voicemail. Why hadn't Stefan picked up his phone? He almost always answered his phone. Just before I was about to hang up the phone Stefan answered. "What do you want, Klaus?" Stefan asked irritatedly. "Hello Stefan." I greeted. "Who is this?" Stefan sounded so confused it was actually quite comical. I had to bit my lip to keep from laughing. "Not Klaus. It's Elena." I responded while leaving the room. I could practically hear Klaus' disapproval. I sent him a look over my shoulder telling him to trust me. I don't think he's capable of it. "Elena? What are you doing with Klaus' phone?" I had to admit it was a good question. "I've been staying with him. I needed to leave Mystic Falls behind for awhile." I explained. It wasn't a complete lie. I just stretched the truth a tiny bit. "Where are you? Do you want me to come and get you?" Stefan's voice sounded strained as if he was trying not to sound panicked. "No Stefan. I am okay here. Elijah and Rebekah are here as well. I'll come home when I'm ready. I just... I miss Damon. I feel like I am missing a part of me that I'll never be able to get back." I could almost see the melancholy look I almost guaranteed he wore. "Alright Elena. If you ever need anything." I decided to give Stefan the benefit of the doubt. "Sure Stefan. I'll talk with you real soon." I gave promised giving him false hope. "Bye Elena."

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