City That Sobriety Forgot

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I'm sorry for not posting sooner. I have this story completed on, but never completed it on here. I will post all the chapter without just as is.  I won't have the Daily Riddle, but if you'd still like to have a crack at it find this story on

@THE_BIG_BAD_WOLF got the answer correct on my last riddle! So congrats and thanks for trying out my riddle =)

Here's the last few chapters!

Since there wasn't a boardroom ready quite yet the Originals along with Marcel, Elena, and Hayley sat around the parlour. Two couches and two armchairs were placed around a fireplace. Elena sat in one armchair while Klaus sat in the other. Elijah and Rebekah took one couch and Marcel and Hayley the other. "So, first why don't you tell us exactly what happened to you tonight?" Elijah suggested. Elena nodded taking a deep breath before recounting her night. "I was going to come around tomorrow because that is when we can start our rescue mission. So I spent the day getting ready to go out to a club." Everyone remained absolutely quiet as they let Elena speak. "It all started off normal. I went to the bar and ordered a drink. Turns out the bartender was one of Francesca's wolves. Before I could leave there was another four surrounding me. I realized I had unintentionally walked right into a werewolf den. I managed to fight off a couple, but one of them was able to sink their canines into me. But on the plus side, I didn't die." Elena tried to play it off as if it were nothing serious. Klaus on the other hand was furious with her. He couldn't believe that she would be naive enough to walk into any club in the Quarter after her last run in with Francesca's wolves. 

"Now please do inform us about the witches and what we're supposed to do to get Hope back." Klaus gritted his teeth and clenched his fists to keep his temper to himself. "I started over at Sophie's place where she got me an in with her coven once she was sure I wasn't there for the vampires. The next day she lead me over to the house of one of their coven elders. We talked and I convinced them I could be trusted. They took me to their witchy city for the dead. Which is way creepy by the way. They had me kill four vampires to prove that I was willing to go against my own kind and protect them while they sacrificed Hope. I will be meeting Agnes again to gain access to the cemetery without being recognized as the enemy. The sacrifice goes down in two days time." Elena scanned her head for more information that she had dug up. "Where is Hope and can we easily get her?" Klaus demanded hotly. "She's in the largest crypt in the heart of the cemetery. I could easily get her, but as I said I have a plan." Elena was confident that the vampires could best the witches. Her strategy would work, it had to work. "What is this plan of yours?" Rebekah questioned getting a little bit excited at the prospect of getting her niece back. "It's a five step process that will take us two days to complete. Step One: I go to meet with the witches elder." 

Elena replayed all five steps to the supernaturals. The plan would commence the very next day.

Marcel left right away to inform his vampires what would be expected from them. Rebekah and Elijah went off to their rooms leaving Klaus and Elena in the parlour. "I still don't like the idea of you alone with those witches." Klaus grumbled as he peppered Elena in light kisses. "It was the werewolves that got to me last time not the witches. I think I should be fine." Elena laughed as Klaus began tickle her sides. He refused to stop and soon Elena's sides began to hurt from how much laughing she was doing. "St-Stop it!" She demanded trying to push him off of her. "No way, love. I love hearing that beautiful laugh of yours." Elena managed to flip them around and began giving the hybrid a taste of his own medicine whether he was ticklish or not. "Suffahhh!" She chuckled as the hybrid writhed underneath her laughing uncontrollably while trying to dislodge her. Using all of her strength she kept him pinned as she delivered her torture. "The great and mighty hybrid is ticklish? And to think I thought I've saw it all." She giggled scampering away from him. In a flash he was off the couch giving her a playful grin causing Elena to feel a sudden urge to run to her room and lock the door. Using her vampire speed she zipped down the hallway and took the staircase three steps at a time. She heard the hybrid behind her and was certain he would catch her, but she had never been one to give up that easily.

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