Howling in the Big Easy

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Elena found it unbelievably hard to walk away from the beautiful room that Hope was being held in. The only thing that made her walk away was the fact she had to speak with Klaus. Closing the door gently she heard the loud cries of Hope through the door. That very sound drove her to her wits end. All she wanted to do was take that poor child and run away to somewhere she'd never, ever be found. Wherever that was she'd try her hardest to find it.

Following the witches back through the maze of tunnels she was able to remember certain aspects like the painting that resembled Starry Night hanging right beside Hope's door. In the next corridor was an accent table with a modern abstract statue on it. She continued finding landmarks as they went through the twisting chambers.

The walk seemed by far shorter than the way there. Elena was sure it was only a four or five minute walk from the entrance. Elena all but evacuated the creepy cemetery. Outside the padlocked gates Elena felt much better. She absolutely despised being in that place. She'd pitch a fit if she ever had to go in there again without bringing Hope with her.

Turning back towards the witches she watched as Agnes once again locked the gate with magic. "Must the padlocked always be opened and closed with magic?" The young vampire spoke up. "Yes, it can be opened by any witches. We had it installed so vampires couldn't break in." Agnes explained after the lock clicked. "Wouldn't a vampire be able to break the padlock?" Elena asked skeptically. "If it were a normal padlock sure they could, but this one is spelled to repel vampires. That feeling that you can't quite explain that wants you out of the cemetery by all means necessary is the spell doing it's job. I will fix that little aspect tomorrow. I will need you at your best by the time the solar flares are here. The cemetery will be exposed and surely Klaus and his vampires will be there ready to try and stop us." Elena listened carefully to the elder witch as she spoke of the weaknesses in her plan. "Why would the cemetery be exposed?" Elena pressed lightly, testing the waters of the newfound trust she had placed within the witches. "It is because our coven will be too busy with the amount of power it takes to perform such a spell in the given time. Can we trust you to protect us and the child from the vampires?" Genevieve supplied while giving Elena an unconvinced look. "Yes you can." Elena stuck her chin out slightly standing her ground. Sure she couldn't actually be trusted by the witches, but she needed them to know that she was on their side, even if she wasn't.

"I'll be on my way then." Elena made to disappear into the early morning sun, but Agnes' hand stopped her. "Elena I just need something as simple as a strand of your hair to personalize the boundary spell placed in the padlock. I will be needing you back at my house tomorrow around four in the afternoon. Is that alright with you, dear?" Agnes asked as she removed her hand from my forearm. "Yes. I'll be there. Have a good day." In the blink of an eye Elena was gone before the witches eyes.

The young vampire ran until she reached the human populated parts of New Orleans. She believed in discretion, even if the humans had saw enough vampire activity to last them a lifetime.

Elena walked boldly through the sunlit streets of New Orleans. Deciding on renting a hotel for the night she found a relatively nice hotel near Bourbon Street that wouldn't put too much damage on her bank account. She knew the room would simply be for her to spend the night in. She found herself craving some delicious red nectar and also craving to have a good time before she went to war. She wasn't about to tell the Originals because they would want to jump right into action, but nothing could be done until tomorrow.

It was around one or two in the afternoon at this point and not only did Elena have a few hours to spend, she also had a few dollars to spend as well. She found herself at a nice mall outlet. She spent countless minutes simply window shopping before a store caught her eye that she felt like checking out. Opening the door she heard bells chime announcing her to all who heard it. A short stout, middle aged women with greying caramel hair and twinkling, mischievous blue orbs welcomed Elena, "Hello dear. Welcome to Diana's Duds & Doodads. I'm Diana. Let me know if there is anything I can help you with" She gave Elena a friendly smile. Elena smiled and nodded towards the other woman. "Thank you I'll let you know." The brunette ensured while in the process of looking at some of the clothes and jewellery the store offered. She found that despite the stores old-fashioned name it carried a lot of pretty articles. She held up a slim fitting off the shoulder black dress with a sweetheart neckline. The skirt was layered and ruffled while the of the shoulder sleeves were made of three inches of black floral lace. The dress was absolutely beautiful. Elena was sure she'd never seen anything so simplistic look so elegant, and she'd been to too many Founder's Day Balls to count.

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