Angles of New Orleans

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AN: I feel awful for neglecting this story as well as Revel in the Glory. But everything has been all over the place for me. Writing new chapters is very low on my To-Do-List at the moment. Between school and bringing school home with me it has been extremely hard for me to find the free time to write. I have been slowly working on this and hope that it is up to my norm. I want my updates to have quality not quantity so updates may be slow for the next little while until things smooth over. Hope you all like this chapter.


I followed the three older vampires toward the back of the compound where there was an old office type space. It smelled unused and musty. Making my nose wrinkle slightly in disgust. There was a large conference desk in the center of the room with chairs that looked so brittle and rickety that I thought they might just collapse on their own. There was a large bookcase filled to the brim with all different kinds of books. Most looking older than the room it self. The walls had wallpaper that peeled away at the corners. I could no longer tell if the wallpaper had pattern to it. Most of it was coated in mold. The floor boards creaked under my feet. This whole place needed serious renovations. Klaus, Rebekah, and Marcel walked into the room without flinching at the foul odour it emitted. Taking seats in the wooden chairs. To my surprise they held up. Not even creaking with the weight of someone sitting on them. Following suit I took a seat beside Klaus.

"Storming the entire place would not be good. We may have a lot of vampires, but they are the oldest coven of witches in all of Louisiana." We had been talking for nearly an hour and still haven't came up with a game plan. I mostly just stayed in the background listening to Klaus and Marcel argue about what the best case of action would be. Elijah had joined us shortly after we sat down. "We have three one thousand year old vampires with a grudge. That isn't enough to scare the witches? I think we can take them on." Klaus challenged in a domineering tone that made the rest of us bristle slightly. I decided to intervene before someone lost their heart. "Hey think about it. They took Hope because they need access to more power. Where is the only place they can access that power? And when is the only time they can access it?" I reasoned with the both of them. "Elena does have a point. They buried our mother in their cemetery so when they got the chance to sacrifice Hope they could access her magic. The only time they can sacrifice Hope is when there is a celestial event." Elijah shined a light on the situation for the rest of the vampires. "There's a lunar eclipse in a month. We have less than that to find Hope." I concluded. Knowing that I didn't have to tell them what would happen if we failed.


The first day Klaus sent out all of his hybrids to search the city. We could've just left the hybrids and Marcel's vampires to it, but none of us were the type to just sit around and let fate rear it's ugly head. "We are going to sweep the city ourselves. I can't just sit around here like this!" I stormed into the study where Klaus, Elijah, and Marcel were talking. "We were just discussing our plan of action." Klaus gestured to the seat beside him. We definitely weren't BFF's, but we had the same mindset at the moment. "So what is our plan of action?" I asked. I looked around the office not wanting to look at the three supernatural men that were around me. "We are going to search the city over our selves. Rebekah and Marcel will team up and look around one half of the city while Elijah, you, and I search the other half. Unfortunately there is one place we have no access to. We are unable to check the witchy city of the dead." "Why? Is it like that boundary spell Bonnie could do?" I immediately regretted saying anything about Bonnie's boundary spells. The energy in the room expelled making me stiffen slightly. "Yes." Klaus said in a not so flippant manner that had the hair on the back of my neck standing on guard. I lowered my eyes to the floor. "Let's get going." Marcel jumped from his seat leaving the room. Probably to go get Rebekah. I felt a hand on my shoulder. Looking up slightly I saw Klaus towering over me. He removed his hand from my shoulder. Holding his arm for me to take. I smiled slightly taking his arm. He didn't need to say anything for me to know he hadn't forgiven me for what I did to Kol, but he was willing to over look it and be the bigger person. I leaned into him slightly in a silent apology. "Let's go get our Hope back." I felt Elijah following closely behind us.

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