City That Faith Remembered

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Klaus had just finished getting everyone's stuff moved from the compound to the plantation house he owned. He managed to talk Elijah into helping them move insisting that he would not allow his daughter to spend one night in that god forsaken place. Another part of him knew that he didn't want to think about all the possible fatalities Elena could endure as she ran with the witches. If she screwed up even once or the witches came to find that she was indeed with him she would be as good as dead. 

The hybrid had become increasingly more irritable as the third day rolled along and he had not heard from his doppelganger. The plantation house was quiet due to the fact that Rebekah rarely left her room she was so sick with worry. Elijah either hid himself away with his books or dealt with the politics in the Quarter. Klaus also had a feeling that everyone was trying their hardest to avoid him. When they did wander upon him they were walking on eggshells hoping not to lose their hearts. 

On this third day that Elena was with the witches Klaus finally heard an argument from the silence he absolutely loathed. Training his hearing he could barely make out the sound of his brother's voice. "You are out of line. You run from your responsibilities and return out of the blue expecting to just jump back on the wagon." He hissed lowly. Curious Klaus slinked form his room and towards the parlour where his brother was having a spat with an unknown person. Inhaling deeply he caught his brother's scent as well as that of a hybrid. Frowning he wondered what one of his hybrids was doing at the plantation house. He had sent the hybrids to the next town over in hopes of giving the witches of New Orleans a false sense of security.

Leaning against the door jam he saw a head of wavy brown hair seated adjacent to Elijah. Klaus immediately recognised her as Hayley Marshall. Klaus growled lowly. "What are you doing in my house, Hayley?!" Klaus roared. "Let me explain." The brunette demanded roughly making Klaus feel like ripping her heart out. "What is there to explain? You disappeared to help your pack leaving me and my family to look after our daughter!" Klaus paced causing Hayley to fidget in her seat. "I was wrong to leave her Klaus. Please give me another chance! I'm begging you Klaus I just want to see my baby girl." Klaus watched in disgust as tears threatened to spill from Hayley's eyes. "Thing is little wolf, while you were out playing the hero for your pack my family and I were stuck here defending my daughter. You were no where to be found when Hope went missing." Klaus could see in the young mother's eyes that she honestly felt terrible for abandoning them. Her face went from self-pity to full on outrage in a matter of a few seconds as she registered exactly what he said. "You let them take our daughter?! You son of a bitch I trusted you to look after her and you let her get kidnapped? Shouldn't you be out there trying to find her instead of laying around the mansion?" Hayley was in hysterics as she clawed at Klaus trying to hurt him. "Settle down, little wolf. While you were off on your wonder quest a lovely young lady entered Hope's life and started raising her as her own. She looked after Hope once you disappeared. I trust her with Hope more than I trust you with her. I know that Elena would lay down her life for Hope. I have commanded her not to do rash things and she goes ahead ignoring my orders and does it anyways. She was almost killed by a coven of witches trying to save our daughter and is currently risking her life trying to save her from the oldest coven of witches in Louisiana." Klaus seethed taking his anger and frustrations out on the fireball that was his daughter's mother. 

Klaus had never seen the tough shell around Hayley crack or bend before that moment. It was like she finally grew up and realized how selfish she had been. "I won't fight you on this. I won't force myself on your family, but I would like visitation rights whenever I want." Hayley muttered dejectedly. Klaus was ready to tell her hell no and kick her out of his house. Unfortunately Elijah decided to intervene. "Within reason Hayley. You must supply us with twenty-four hours notice before you show up for Hope. My family wants what's best for Hope. Part of what's best for her is having her biological mother in her life. Isn't that right Klaus?" Klaus set his jaw ready to demand that she get off his property and stay off. He was about to give his answer when his phone trilled throughout the otherwise deathly quiet house. Pulling it from his pocket he saw a familiar caller ID. 

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