GAY (2)

341 6 0

Characters :

Alex Carter (Top)
Eric Dawson (Bottom)

Eric :
I said no Alex.

Alex :
Baby please...just one more kiss.

Eric :

Alex :

Eric :

Alex :

Alex Carter, CEO of the Carter Enterprises has been in a live-in relationship with his boyfriend Eric Dawson for three years. It was love at first sight for them when they met during Eric's interview in his company only. In the beginning for 3-4 months there were only flirty glances or gestures from both of them, not wanting to risk his new job Eric tried to keep it low and Alex understood it though it still hurt him a little knowing they can't be something more than just employee and employer. But on the night of company's 25th anniversary party, when Eric couldn't drive to his home alone due to being drunk, Alex offered to take him back there.

After reaching his apartment, Alex carried him to his own flat by pulling him away from the shoulders. When he placed Eric on his living room couch and was about to leave, he was surprised to find Eric looking at him with a mischievous smile. He was about to ask him what's wrong but Eric pulled him by his hand harshly on the couch with him before getting on top of him and straddling him. Due to this Eric and Alex's members rubbed against each other through their trousers giving both of them sweet shiver of pleasure and they moaned in unison.

Before Alex could even process any of these in his mind correctly, Eric had already took off his shirt and thrown it away. He started leaving kisses from along Alex's jawline to his chest, giving him sloppy passionate kiss on the lips in between. Alex lost his rational mind then and there only because of the immense pleasure Eric was providing him. He closed his eyes in anticipation for more but was confused when it stopped soon after that. He opened his eyes slightly in fear but was shocked to find tears flowing down Eric's cheeks. He quickly shot up straight before pulling him in his arms tightly and rubbing small relaxing circles on his back.

They stayed in that position for a couple of minutes before Eric pulled away slightly to look him in the eyes, his tears now stopped and speaking with his gentle yet broken voice.

(I...i c-can't hide this a-anymore Alex...)

(What do you mean?)

(That I...l-love you sooo m-much Alex...i really d-do...)

Hearing this Alex was quiet for a while in surprise and happiness. But it didn't helped Eric as tears started flowing down his eyes once again, only this time it was much worse with the little whimpering. Alex's heart broke seeing the love of his life cry like this but he decided to pull himself together for that time and speak to him gently while placing his hand under Eric's chin and lifting it up to his eye level.

(Shh...its okay Eric...please don't cry my love. It breaks my heart to see you like this...please baby...)

Hearing Alex's sweet comforting words, Eric calmed down a little but his whimpering continued for a while before Alex spoke again.

(Please tell me what's the matter Eric...why are you crying? Do you...regret loving me...?)

(NOOO!!! O-of course not! I just...i...)

(What is it love?)

(I-i don't want you to see me like someone who fell for you j-just because of your status and money Alex...i have loved you from the bottom of my heart since the beginning...and wanted to talk to you so badly about this that's why I pretended to be drunk in front of you so that we can get some time alone without anyone's doubting. B-but I lost my mind as soon as we were alone in in to my temptations just like this...i-i am sorry...i-)

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