Joshua Faraday & His Childhood Friend Bella Robicheaux

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This will be a 8 parts story!!!!

You are Joshua best friend since childhood, Your older brother Goodnight Robicheaux, who works with Joshua, you are a school teacher, Goodnight, Joshua and Sam are heading towards your town, they need a place to hide for a couple days, until the others can make it into Town, as you are leaving the school building after your last student left with her parents, when you see Joshua riding towards you "good day Bella, you miss me? As you giggle at him "Joshua I did miss you but your not alone I'm guessing? As he smiles and helps you on the back of his horse "nah your brother and Sam are with me, we need to stay with you until the other guys arrive in a couple days, Bella" as you smile "my door is always open for you guys you know that" as he smiles at you and you two head towards your house. He lets you, Goodnight and Sam are waiting for you at your house, as you wrap your arms around his waist and you two continues to your house, as you arrive there on the back of Joshua horse, Sam and Goodnight are on your porch as you shake your head as you get off Joshua horse, and you walk over and on your porch as Goodnight smiles at you then you let them in Sam tips his hat at you "thanks Bella for this it's only a couple days I promise" as you smile "yeah Sam no problem plus I like having my brother and best friend here" as Joshua smirks at you, you have changed your not the little twig you where last time he saw you with the guys, you finally got curves your boobs are a nice size, as Joshua licks his lips as you go into your room to change out of your work clothes, a few minutes later you walk out and Goodnight is talking to Sam in the living-room as you start on dinner and Joshua stays by your side.

A you turn and look at him "yes Joshua,what is on your mind" as he smiles at you "your not my twig no more, when did that happen? As you look at him as you continue to cut the veggies up for the soup your making, "MMM about a year ago, you haven't seen me in a year and half there Joshua" as he smiles big at you, as you cut the veggies up then put them in the pot, he seats down at your table, as you finish cutting the veggies then you put some spices then let's it cook, with the Noddles and meat, as you put the lit on the pot and join Joshua at the table, as he looks at you "so school teacher bella how long have you had that job? As you look at him "a year next week, I like helping kids learn and better themselves" as he grabs your hand "you always did even when we where younger you wanted to protect the little kids" as you smile at him "younger and little kids needed protecting, and you always did help when someone bigger started trouble there Faraday" as he smiles at you "no one picked on you Bella" as Goodnight and Sam come in and smile at you two, Goodnight doesn't mind Joshua touching you, he knows you two are best friend and have been since you two where kids, you where raised by your mom in the same town Joshua grow up with his dad and baby brother Alex, Goodnight was with your dad in a different town, you knew you had a brother but you two didn't see each other until he came through the town you lived in with Joshua, he was Sam and Red to get Joshua helps, as Joshua went with the guys, didn't show back up for about 9 months and when he did he was injured so you took care of him. Goodnight made you move towns when mom got killed because of the guys mistakes, but it wasn't really their fault it was your guys dad past catching up to him after he was died too. So you moved here and got a job as a school teacher. Goodnight is proud of you, but he knows if Joshua asked you to give it up and come with them you would, so Goodnight made Joshua promise to never ask you that and Joshua agreed, he hates himself for it through, he loves you and he can't keep you safe if your here and he is out doing special runs with the guys.

As you get up and check on the soup, as Sam goes outside for a smoke and Goodnight heads to the bathroom Faraday looks at you "Bella tonight I need to talk to you about something important" as you look at him "alright I'm guess we need to be alone for this chat? As he nods his head at you and you smile at him "when Sam and Goodnight go to sleep come to my room and we can chat" as he nods his head and gets up from his spot when Goodnight comes back from the bathroom, Joshua goes outside and talks to Sam and lets Sam know he has to go behind Goodnight back and ask you to come with him, he can't keep you safe if he isn't close to you, as Sam nods his head, he agrees 💯 percent with Joshua plus Sam knows Joshua loves you, Goodnight will get over it in time, but his sister will be with them so she will be safe, Goodnight knows Joshua can protect you but you don't need it, your a strong woman, you love your brother and Joshua but you aren't leaving your home again. You let the guys know soup is ready as you got them some bowls and have them waiting for them at the table, you got to go work on some paperwork for next week schedule at school. So you leave them in the kitchen to eat and you ask Joshua to wash the dishes and he nods his head at you "sure Bella I'll wash the bowls" as you smile at him kissing his forehead then moving to Sam's then finally Goodnight's.

A few hours go by and Goodnight and Sam are sleeping peacefully in the living-room as Joshua gets up and goes to the bathroom and on his way back he stops by your room to see you in just a long shirt, your panties and socks as he smiles and you let him as he grabs your hand in his "Bella I want you to come with us, it's safely for you" as you look at him "I can't Joshua I had move when mom died because Goodnight through it was best, I like it here and you guys know where I am for the longest time I try to contact you guys but Goodnight said it was busy to stay in the dark" as he smiles at you "alright I can't Force you to come with us, but you got to know every change I get Im coming this way to see you Bella" as you smile at him as he leans over and kisses your cheek lightly, after he pulls away you grab his face and kiss him on the lips, as he kisses you back.

To be continued in a few days!!!!

My Favorite Men x Reader Book One (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now