Kevin Ball and His Ex-Wife Annabelle Gallagher formerly Ball part 5

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This story will be continued in My Favorite Men x Reader Book 2!!! And it's going to be 5 more parts!!!

You and Kevin sleep peacefully in each other's arms, next morning you are up, and you shower and get ready for the day,

You and Kevin sleep peacefully in each other's arms, next morning you are up, and you shower and get ready for the day,

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Then you go get MJ ready for his playdate with Liam and Debbie at the house,

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Then you go get MJ ready for his playdate with Liam and Debbie at the house,

Kevin gets up and gets ready for the day, then comes to get MJ from you as you pack his bag for Debbie's

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Kevin gets up and gets ready for the day, then comes to get MJ from you as you pack his bag for Debbie's. He takes him downstairs and gets gets him some juice and waits for you to come down so you two can take MJ to Debbie and Liam for the day, while you got to your appointment then to get some more things for MJ's room and your guys room. As you come downstairs with his bag and you see Kevin holding MJ on his lap with his cup, you smile "is my two men ready to go? As Kevin nods his head and stands up and you three head out and towards your family house, to drop MJ off with Debbie and Liam for a couple hours. After you two drop MJ off with Debbie and Liam you two head to the clinic for your appointment to get some birth control pills. Kevin needs to pick up Stan's medicine from the clinic's doctor, you get in the truck and he gets in the driver seat and starts to the clinic. A few minutes later he pulls in the parking lot and parks, then you two get out and go inside, he signs in for Stan and you do yourself. He smiles and says "I told uncle Stan we would bring MJ by the nursing home this coming weekend and he is super excited to meet his grand nephew, as you smile "I told MJ about Uncle Stan through out my pregnancy, I talked about you too so he knew about you before the other day" as he smiles at you "your an amazing mom Annabelle, our son is lucky to have you as his mom, I'm lucky to have you as my lady and son's mother" as you smile at him. The nurse comes out with Stan's medicine then the other nurse calls your name and you get up and walk back with her, Kevin stays back and waits for you, a few minutes later the doctor comes and gives you your birth control pills plus a refill, then you head back out to the waiting room so you two can leave, you two leave and head to the store to get a few things for MJ's room then a few other things for your guys room, then you will get lunch. You get a few small pieces for your guys room, then goes to the baby section and gets a few more things for MJ's room. Then you head two head to the cafe for lunch, you call Debbie and check on MJ, Debbie let's you know MJ is having a good time with Liam and to enjoy your time together with Kevin, as you smile and look over at Kevin who is talking to this old couple who is seating next behind us, "you let Debbie know you appreciate her and Kevin will give her some money for watching MJ today later on today, she says "nah he is family, you two can pay her when she starts to watch him while you are at school in a few months time" as you smile.

You talk to her for a few more minutes then hang up and Kevin turns around and smiles at you "is MJ alright? As you nod your head at him "yeah Debbie said he is having fun with Liam, I told her you would pay her but she said she doesn't want it we can start paying her when I go to school, we can't do that Kevin, maybe buy her something for watching him today, maybe get her a prepaid cellphone? As he nods his head "good idea" I'll give you some money and you take the truck and go pick her one out then drop it off at the house and grab MJ and bring him to the bar so the guys can meet him" as you nod your head at him and you two order your lunch, "I was thinking about renewing our wedding vows over the summer, we got married during the summer after our highschool graduation, summer time is a great time for us" as you look at him "we always got divorced two summer's ago" as he smirks "yeah we did, so summer time isn't all perfect but we are back together now" as you smile at him "yeah your right, MJ was Conceive during the summer time two years ago, the beginning of the summer May 26 just a few weeks before we went to court to get divorced, so up to now two good things happen during the summer we got married and we made MJ against one bad thing we divorced but if we renew our wedding vows this coming summer that will be 3 good things vs one bad thing" as he smiles and nods his head at you "agreed 💯 percent honey" as you two talk about other things, he asks on MJ's second birthday February 16th you two can go all out because it will be his first one with MJ as you agree with that too, then your food comes out and you dig in after thanking the waitress. Kevin smiles, "after this we will take Uncle Stan his medicine then remind him we will bring MJ over tomorrow afternoon for a visit then you can drop me off at the bar then go get Debbie's prepaid phone then take it to her and get MJ and come back to the bar so Kermit and Tommy to meet MJ, plus Is working a few hours tonight, she had a interview next week for a nursing job, I know you are mad at her for getting with me but I made the first move towards her, I was lonely babygirl, she didn't say yes until about 2 months later" as you look at him "Kevin I wasn't mad at her for getting with you I was mad she picked your side when I told her about the divorce, she was meant to be my best friend but the moment I told I was leaving you she said I was being a bitch and I need to make it work between us we where husband and wife after all, I guess I should have listen to her but I didn't think you loved me any more, you become so distant with me, I try to make it work for weeks but it got worse, I'm sorry" as he smiles and leans over the table "nah babygirl it's not all on you, I was being distant with you, I was scared Uncle Stan was going to sell the bar, and I would be out of a job, I have been working there since I was 18 years old, I'm sorry I should have talked to you about what was going on with me" as you smile at him "no more hiding anything from one another Alright" As he nods his head "agreed babygirl" as you two enjoy your lunch together then he pays and you two head to the nursing home to see Stan.

To be continued 5 more parts and it will continue in my favorite men x Reader Book 2!!!! Plus I got a request for Charlie Hunnam!!!

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