Angel Reyes And His Best Friend Nicole final part 1/2

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You spend the day with pops at the store, Angel comes back from the run around 6pm he stops by pops house to pick you up so you two can head home and spend the rest of your time together without work, you don't go back until Monday morning so you got one full day left tomorrow being Sunday, the club doesn't work on Sundays so Angel has it off too, as Angel finds you and pops seating in the living-room watching TV as he comes in and kisses his mom's picture then comes over and kisses your forehead and says "pops I'm taking lil mamà home we will see you tomorrow morning at church" as pops nods his and thanks you for your help today in the store, as you smile at him and Angel wraps his arm around your waist as you two head out and to his bike. A few minutes later you are pulling into the driveway of your house, you in your car And him on his bike you two walk inside you go upstairs And put on some PJs,

you come out to see Angel seating on the bed taking his kutte off, he looks up and sees you and smirks at you "mamà come here" as you walk over to him and he puts his hands on your hips and lays his head on your chest

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you come out to see Angel seating on the bed taking his kutte off, he looks up and sees you and smirks at you "mamà come here" as you walk over to him and he puts his hands on your hips and lays his head on your chest. His hands move to your ass and squeezes it lightly. He pulls you on top of him as he rolls you over on your back and lays on top of you, he leans back and removes his shirt, then his pants leaving him in his wife beater and boxer shorts, then he lays back down on top of you as you rub your hands throwing his hair and down his neck, pulling at the ends of his hairs as he smiles and kisses your chest arena, then you two get comfortable in bed and go to sleep with him laying in between your legs and on top of you. Next morning he is up first he lets Rocky out after he feed him, he is in his church clothes and he is about to wake you up so you can get ready for church then you two can head that way together.

He comes in and walks over to the bed and slowly shakes you awake, as you open your eyes and look at him "morning Amore" as he smirks and says "morning mamà, you need to get up, and get dressed so we can go to church" as you nod your head at him and roll off the bed and stretch before heading to your closet to find you something to wear to church,

He comes in and walks over to the bed and slowly shakes you awake, as you open your eyes and look at him "morning Amore" as he smirks and says "morning mamà, you need to get up, and get dressed so we can go to church" as you nod your head at him a...

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you find your outfit, you get dressed then you walk out and go to the mirror and fixed your hair,

He comes back in and smiles at you as you finish up getting ready "you ready mamà? As you smile and nod your head at him "yep let's go Amore" as you walk over to him and he grabs your hand and you two walk downstairs and then outside to your car, ...

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He comes back in and smiles at you as you finish up getting ready "you ready mamà? As you smile and nod your head at him "yep let's go Amore" as you walk over to him and he grabs your hand and you two walk downstairs and then outside to your car, he helps you in the passenger side he goes around and gets in the driver side and you two head to church with the family.

A few minutes go by and you two pull into the parking lot at church, he gets out after he parks and comes around to the passenger side and opens it for you as you get out and he grabs your hand and you two start walking into the church, he sees pops with Ezekiel and Gabby as he then sees Coco seating with Mel aka his and Ezekiel's adopted sister who is with Coco Letty is seating next to them as she turns around and waves at you as you look at Angel "I'm going to seat with Letty Coco and Mel" as he nods his head "alright we will seat with them, just let me go say hi to pops first" as you smile and he grabs your hand and you two walk over to pops Ezekiel and Gabby as pops smiles "morning son and Nicole" as you smile at pops. As Ezekiel holds hands with Gabby's hand and you shake your head as you learn up and kiss Angel's cheek lightly then heads over to seat down next to Coco, Letty and Mel.

Angel pats pops shoulder and heads to seat with you, as he wraps his arm around your shoulders as you learn your head on his chest, he brings your hand up to his lips and kisses it lightly and says "I know you don't care for Gabby mamà" as you look at him "she said she is Letty's Friend then she drops her as soon as she gets with Ezekiel I can't stand people at that", as Letty is seating down next to Mel who is next Coco who is seating next to Angel then you now, as he smiles at you "I agreed with you on that, Letty is a sweetheart and she doesn't deserve to be treated that way by her so called friend, she is lucky to have you in her life mamà" as you smile at him and church begins, a couple hours later it's over and you and Angel are heading to your car, he has his arm wrapped around your waist as he helps you into the passenger side then he goes around and gets in the driver side, "you still alright with going to pops later on this evening for Sunday supper? As you nod your head at him "always Amore I just want to go home and change and pull my hair up" as he smirks and says "plus we need to check on Rocky" as you nod your head at him and you two head towards your place to change for pops house for Sunday supper with the family.

One more part to go!!!

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