Peter Quill/Star Lord & His Girlfriend Ashley Smith/Shasta part 2

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After your engagement announcement, you and Peter turns in for the night in one of Tony's quest rooms, he has everything in his life that matters in this room, you, and the baby. He is laying down on the bed reading the file your dad give him, as you join him on the bed, your in a long shirt and your panties as you crawl into bed next to him as he smiles "I love you Ashley Nicole Smith" as you smile at him "I love you too Peter Jason Quill" as he hands you the file and lays his head against your belly, "you and the baby are the most important things to me" as you smile at him "you and the baby are the most important things to me too" as he smiles and you open the file and read up on his dad. You look over the information and something catches your eye, as you grab your tablet and look this up more closer as Peter smiles at you "did you find something princess" as you nod your head at him and point the spot you find and he looks at it "he was here when mom died, I know that look, what are you thinking princess" as you look at him "he is god, Peter I'm thinking he was the one that killed your mom and mine too, As he looks at you "well princess I guess we got to find my dad and have a very long talk with him" as you nod your head at him agreeing 💯 percent. As you find the last moment he was on earth, as you map it then you grab your tablet again and map that as Peter hand is on your belly as you look at him and he is getting comfortable on the bed, "I love you two so much" as you put the file down next to your bed along with your tablet, as you two are looking at each other and he has his hand on your belly he is very protective of you two but since the moment you two where born and raised together it's been like that, Peter has been your protector and you are his princess, as Peter smiles and kisses your lips lightly, "I was thinking we could wait until after the baby is born to get married? As you nod your head at him "I like that idea very much the baby could be in the wedding ceremony.

You two fall asleep in each other's arms, next morning you are woken up by Piper who made breakfast, you grab your tablet and Peter's dad file, then you get up from the bed you lean over and kiss Peter's forehead lighty, "Star-Lord Piper made breakfast get up" as he wakes up and sees you standing over the bed in his long sleeve yeah baby shirt, and a pair of leggings as he smiles "you look so damn good in my shirts" as you smile get dressed Star-Lord, me and the bean will be downstairs with everyone else" as he smiles at you as you go downstairs with the others, Gamora is there with Nebula and Ming they take turns hugging you "and Gamora says "can I be the baby's godmother? As you smile at her, I'll talk to Peter and see what he thinks" as she nods her head, a few minutes go by and Peter comes down and joins you all, as you smile and he kisses your forehead lighty "Gamora wanted to know if she can be the baby's godmother? As Peter smiles "yeah she can be, I'm thinking Drax for the godfather, what do you think? As you smile at him "yeah I like that Idea, so Drax and Gamora are the baby's godfather and godmother, that's settled, we need names for both genders" as you look at him "little Meredith Jane Quill for a girl" as he smiles at you "my mom and yours I love it, and a boy I'm thinking Peter Jason Quill Jr" as you nod your head at him "omg yes I love it Peter" as you two seat down with everyone else and eat breakfast, then you go off on your own and find a spot to continue working on Peter's dad's location.

As Peter is with Tony and Thor when your dad arrives he wanted to spend time with you before you guys leave for space again in a few days, as Peter let's him know you are up in Tony's library trying to find more about his dad, as Peter goes back to hangout with Tony and Thor as your dad comes and finds you, as you circle a couple important details about Ego and his location, as your dad smiles at you as he comes in and you feel someone new come into the room so you turn around and see your dad who smiles at you "you find his location yet? As you smile at your dad "nah not yet but I'm getting close, plus with the information we already had and some more from Tony we will find him, but me and Peter put to and to together last night, he was here on earth when Peter's mom died and he is a god we think he was the cause of her cancer to go out of control, plus he was seen right before mom got in that accident" as your dad smiles at you "all possible leads so I came by to see if you wanted to go for a nice walk around the park with me I mean you guys are leaving soon and it will probably be a while before I see you again" as you smile and put your tablet and Peter's dad file up and you head out with your dad, Peter is standing by the entrance and stops you "take Groot with you please" as you smile at him and open your bag and Groot is sleeping in your bag "alright ahead of you Mr. Peter Jason Quill" as he smiles "I love you Miss Ashley Nicole Smith" as you go with your dad to the park, Tony has eyes and ears everywhere so Peter himself and Thor are watching you two, plus you got baby Groot, he may be little but he is powerful. Peter knows you can take care of yourself but now it's not just you it's you and the baby so he is way more protect and will be that way into you give birth to your son or daughter in a few months time.

To be continued!!!

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