Florian Munteanu and Bella Smith part 4

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Two more parts!!!

During the week You and Florian text back and forth with each other, he video chats you a couple times during the past week, tomorrow night it's your second date and you are going over to his house for some takeout and to watch some movies, you work the morning shift today then you will be off this evening until Monday morning you are on your phone in the breakroom checking your account for your paycheck to go in, you will check it before you leave in about an hour to head home, you click off your phone and head back out on the floor to finish up your shift. One hour later you are in your car checking your account and your check went in as you smile and head home, your about 10 minutes away from home when your phone goes off and it's Florian he is calling you as you click answer and he is on speaker as he asks you how your day has been as you giggle and let him know it was good busy but good, how was his?  As he says it was good but busy too got a lot done for the movie premiere in L.A in a few weeks time, the one he is going to ask you to go with him too tomorrow night sometime during your second date, as you can't believe you are in a relationship with a movie star who has been in two movies already and he has a new project in the works already, you two talk a little bit more then he says to text him  later on tonight and he will send you his address to you, as you smile and agree to do that.

As you hang up and get to your apartment complex building parking in your spot and getting out of your car and heading inside and upstairs to your apartment, you get in and change into some PJs,

As you hang up and get to your apartment complex building parking in your spot and getting out of your car and heading inside and upstairs to your apartment, you get in and change into some PJs,

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You fix your hair back from earlier,

As you grab your water bottle and seat down on the couch turning your TV on, and finding something to watch while your dinner is in the oven warm up, you find something and relax a bit while you wait for your dinner to get warm

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As you grab your water bottle and seat down on the couch turning your TV on, and finding something to watch while your dinner is in the oven warm up, you find something and relax a bit while you wait for your dinner to get warm. Your phone goes off and it's a text message from Florian it's his address so you save the message and  text him you got it and you will see him tomorrow Evening around 5 as he sends you a message back that sounds good, see you then. You are planning on going to the gym in the morning, he texts you and sees what time you are going to be there, as you giggle and say probably around 9:30 in the morning as he says back "I'll be there around 10 so I'll see you in the morning" as you send him a smiley face back and then you get up and go get your dinner out of the oven brining it to the couch and seats down and digs in, while watching the show you are watching. After you finish eating, you turn the TV off throw away your plate and head to your bathroom to get ready for bed you wash your face then brush your teeth, then you go to bed, you get in after you put your phone on the charger, You dream about Florian.

Next morning you are up and drinking your morning IV drink as you are leaning against your corner top in the kitchen, you are in your workout clothes and your hair is still fixed like last night you just touch it up this morning when you got ready for the gym you are about to leave and head that way,

Next morning you are up and drinking your morning IV drink as you are leaning against your corner top in the kitchen, you are in your workout clothes and your hair is still fixed like last night you just touch it up this morning when you got ready...

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You finish your first IV drink and you grab your second one from the refrigerator then go into the living-room and grab your bag then head out of your apartment and downstairs to your car, You get your earbuds connected to your phone as soon as you pull in the parking lot of the gym. Then you get out and grab your bag along with your water bottle and walk to the doors before sliding my card so I can go in.

As soon as you walk in the front doors a couple of the clients you know wave at you and say hi as you wave back and say hi back to them, as you take your stuff to the women's locker-room to put your bag up, you do then you place your earbuds in your ears and grab your phone and your water bottle and head towards the treadmill for your first part of your workout, you start slow and about 30 minutes later you are moving to the weights to work on your arms, shoulders and back, Florian comes in he scans the gym and his eyes land on you as you are picking up some weights, he smirks and walks over to you and stands behind you as you place the weights on the floor in front of you you lift back up and you see him in the mirror as you place your hand over your heart "Florian scare a lady" as he smirks and spins you around "sorry babygirl that wasn't my attention" as you smile at him "it's alright, what you doing today? As he smiles and places his hands on your hips "I am doing some cardio then my legs and back, I see you got a sweat already you did cardio already I'm guessing and you are doing arms shoulders and back" as you nod your head at him "yeah i was on the treadmill for 30 minutes" as he smiles "well I'm going to the bike I'll be watching you babygirl"  as you smile and nod your head at him and he lets go off your hips and goes to the bike to do his cardio before he goes to work on his legs, thight and lower back.

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