Peter Quill/Star Lord & His Girlfriend Ashley Smith/Shasta part 3

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You spend a couple hours with your dad then you return back to Tony's house, Piper got pizza for dinner, your dad said he will see you again before you guys leave for space, you come in and Groot gets out of your bag and goes to get Pizza, Peter made sure Piper got your favorite, as Peter comes around the corner with you a plate "good day with your dad? As you nod your head at him "yep he said he would be back before we left for space, what did you do while I was gone? As he smiles at you "nah much Tony showed me his first suit it's amazing" as you take your plate and join everyone around the dinner table, Peter seats down next to you and puts his hand on your belly rubbing it slowly as you relax and Peter smiles he knows his hands are magic but it's mostly because your pregnant and your body is started to change.

Peter smiles "I got some more information from Tony today while you where gone, it's in the bedroom and its juicy information" as you look at him "yeah that sounds like a good read Peter" as you two eat with everyone else then turn in for the night you make sure to look over the new information and you mark some things that can help Peter find his dad, you use your tablet to mark it too, then you turn on the music that saved in your tablet, as Peter comes in and sees you laying there on the bed and he moves to join you but he does a striptease as you smile "oh Star-Lord himself you going to have a dance-off again with me? As he smiles and jumps on the bed "you and me baby right here right now" as you smile and leans over and kiss his lips passionately. You show him the information you find in the new paperwork from Tony. As he smiles at you and says "see I told you it was juicy, he is a god but he ages and he looks human" as you nod your head at him "Peter I was thinking if we find him and I'm still pregnant I need to stay back on the ship" as he smiles "yeah we don't know if he will be kind person, I mean we think he killed both our moms so yeah you stay on the ship if you are still pregnant or just had Peter Jr or Meredith Jane" as you nod your head at him agreeing with him 💯 percent. As you put the files and tablet down and you lay down on the bed, your in a tank top and panties, as he is in his boxer shorts.

Your laying there on your back as he smiles and moves his head to your belly "I have missed you two today, I normally can touch you during the day but when you where with dad I couldn't" as you smile at him "you have become touching feeling since we find out I was pregnant" as he smiles and kisses your belly through your tank top "I love touching you and now that we got a baby bean inside you I just want to touch you more, I'm super excited to become a daddy and you a mommy" as you nod your head at him "I'm super excited to become a mommy and your the daddy Peter" as he smiles and he sings to your baby bean "Have You Ever Seen The Rain" As you smile at him your kid is going to be into the classic music just like you two are God help us. As he smiles and changes the song and it's "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go Wham" as you sing with him as he smiles and you two kill that song like the first time you two heard it back in the day. As he smiles and puts his hand on your belly. He leans up and kisses your lips lightly. As you two get comfortable on the bed and he turns the music down low and you two go to sleep in each other's arms.

Fast forward a couple weeks, you all are back on the ship, Peter doesn't want you doing many missions because your pregnant and your slowly started to show your belly, as you are in control of getting everything set up for the missions and make sure they are gone to go for the missions, this coming week Peter, Drax, Gamora and Ming are going to see his dad, you find him. Leaving you and the baby bean alone with Rocket, Groot and Nebula as Peter is packing his bag as you are on the bed in your leggings and a big t-shirt as he moves over to you as you are going over some last minute details for the trip, he touches your belly then he moves to kisses your lips lightly "when I'm gone your in control of the ship, keep Rocket, Groot and Nebula at bay" as you look at him "I got this Peter Jason Quill, you go find your dad and get to the bottom of a couple questions" as he nod your head at you and kisses your lips again "I will princess and I'll come back to you and the baby bean" as you smile at him and he rubs his hand on your belly again, "I'm going to go crazy not touch you the next few days, but when I get back I want you to know, I'm making love to you all night long" as you shake your head "oh yeah Star-Lord going to give the good stuff" as he smirks at you "oh Shasta you know it and be ready for it when I return" as you shake your head at him and he pulls you into his arms "I love you and baby bean very much" as you wrap your arms around his neck "me and the baby Bean love you too" as he pulls back and kisses your lips before him, Drax, Gamora and Ming head off the ship and towards his father's ship.

You are with Rocket In the cockpit as you take control of flying the ship with Rocket as your co-pilot, and you fly back into space, Rocket has tracking devices on Peter, Drax Gamora and Ming so we can keep a close eye on them even if they are with Ego and his helper Kismet, as you are in the cockpit and you feel a weird feeling In your chest as you try and shake the feeling but you can't so you get Rocket to check the tracking device's and you don't like what pulls up so you fly the ship towards Ego's plant, you aren't losing your family, especially Peter, as Rocket has his guns ready to go, same with Nebula Groot has his body and you put on your mask and find your guns before you land the ship far enough way from Ego's main house, and you use the system to make it invisible, as you four walk off the ship and head towards Ego's house, and when you get there you are shocked but you knew Ego was a crazy creation. Your mind shifts to saving Peter and the others.

To be continued!!!

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