Kevin Ball and His Ex-Wife Annabelle Gallagher formerly Ball part 2

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A few hours later you feed MJ then Debbie takes him to give him a bath, you grab your purse then head to the store and get MJ a crib. You get one then head to the bar, Kevin send Veronica home about an 45 minutes ago, as you carry the crib in and Kevin sees you "damn it Annabelle, you should have called, I would have came and picked you up" as he walks over and grabs the crib from your arms "how much was it? I'll give you half back" as you smile "it was 80 dollars, so 40 will be alright, can I have a water, the bar is busy, you couldn't leave I know you send Veronica home a while ago so who would have watch and run it while you came and got me and the crib? As he smirks "Tommy or Kermit would have watch it while I did it, seat down at the bar I'll get you a water" as you walk over and seat down, he goes and grabs you a water bottle and brings it back to you, "so tell me about MJ what is he like? As you take a slip and say "oh MJ is a mini you, in every way possible, he has your attitude, your personality, your smile, your frown your smirk, the only things he has from me is his eyes, his laugh and his ears, everything else is you Kevin it's amazing he has never met you but he acts like you completely, he was born February 16th last year at 2:12 pm he weight 8lbs and he was 22in, his eye color is going to be Hazel like both ours. He will have dark hair color, like both ours too,
But Kevin only Lip and Ian knew about MJ and they find out about him 6 months ago when they came for a visit, but I made them both promise not to tell anyone about MJ I wanted to tell You, Fiona and everyone else" as he nods his head at me "look Annabelle this thing between me and Veronica aren't going anywhere, we both know it, we have been trying to fill something that has been missing, I messed up letting you go two years ago, I love you so much Annabelle Gallagher, I want you and MJ to stay here in Chicago and let us be a family" as you look at him.

"Kevin I love you, so much, but before we can work on anything between us, as partners lovers and so forth, you need to break up with Veronica, I want MJ to know his daddy, so it's in your corner" as he smiles "I'll do it after I take you home, I'll go over to her place and break it off, tomorrow can I take you and MJ to the diner for some breakfast? As you smile and nod your head at him "yeah we will have breakfast tomorrow with you" as you grab your cellphone and start to send Fiona a message to see if she can get her boyfriend Jimmy to come pick you up, as Kevin sees this "hi I'll take you home, I'll get Tommy to watch the bar while I run you home, Jimmy is a cool guy but darling your off the table because your my old lady" as you smile at him "not yet Kevin, but Jimmy wouldn't do anything to mess up his relationship with Fiona right? As Kevin looks at you "like I said Jimmy is a cool guy but kind of Shady, he doesn't talk about his family, we don't know nothing about his past" as you look at him "he doesn't look like he has been to jail, has anyone check in on a background check, if not I can do it as long as I have my laptop and internet connection, plus his full name" as Kevin smiles and says "I got Internet connection here at the bar, you got your laptop and we can get his full name" as you smile at him then go over to Tommy can you watch the bar for about 30 minutes, so Kevin can run me and the crib home? As Tommy nods his head and wraps his arm around my waist "sure thing Annabelle it's nice to see you back in town, are you and Kevin here going to work on your guys relationship? Don't get me wrong Veronica is nice but she isn't you" as you smile at him "we are going to try, plus we have a one year old son Michael James Ball, I'll bring him by and let you and Kermit meet him this week" as Tommy smiles "so Kevin wasn't lying when he said he had a son with the women he loves" as you smile and look at Kevin who is taking some of the money out of the cash register, leaving enough until he comes gets back from dropping you off at the Gallaghers household, Plus he has to get your 40 dollars for his part of the crib for MJ. He grabs his jacket then the crib and says "Tommy I'll be back in 30 minutes, just service people nothing more" as Tommy nods his head and says to you "Annabelle don't leave that fool again he has been a pain in the ass" as you giggle and kiss Tommy's forehead then you head over to Kevin who walks you to his truck opening your door then you you get in, he puts the crib in the backseat then goes around and gets in himself, heading to the Gallaghers household, "I'll get you and MJ in the morning around 8 for breakfast? As you nod your head at him "we will be ready" as he smiles and parks near your family's house, he gets out and goes around and opens your door then grabs the crib and Carry's it up the steps to the front door, you get out and walk behind him, he smiles and turns around and bends down and kisses your cheek lightly "I'll see you tomorrow morning Annabelle, give MJ a kiss for me" as you smile at him "I always do Kevin, and see you in the morning, night" as he leaves And heads back to the bar to finish the night off, he texts Veronica, he will be over after he closes tonight, they need to talk.

To be continued!!!!

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