[34] New Beginnings

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So... The final chapter. It feels so bittersweet to be posting this finally. I can't believe the journey this story and these characters have taken me on. I hope you have felt the same way I do. I just want to say a few things!

1) THANK YOU SO MUCH! I truly appreciate each and every one of you. I am so happy you have stuck with me so far! I hope I didn't disappoint in the conclusion. :) I love you all! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Your support means a lot to me.

2) Would you be interested in a squel if I wrote one??? Let me know!! :)
       I really want to do one, and while I have a loose outline I haven't gotten much inspiration so far. :/ Here's to hoping something will strike me and I can really get into it!

3) There's a picture of how I kind of imagine Ryan's drawing of Kodi. I won't pretend to have that much talent, though I don't know who actually drew it... Google is a lifesaver. ;)



It was almost impossible to think that little over a year ago my life had been completely different. So much had changed. I wasn’t even the same person any more. Even in the past few months, so many things had changed. Ryan and I had started over, Dean finally decided to give him a chance, and another year of school had ended. Yet it seemed like just yesterday I was in Michigan with my mother. Where had the time gone?

    My knuckles thumped against Ryan’s bedroom door as I knocked.

    “Hey, you ready? We should get going.”

    He turned from his dresser, where he was attempting to knot his tie. I could tell he was nervous by the look in his eyes.

    “Here,” I smiled, stepping forward to fix it. “You’ll be fine, babe.”

    “You sure about that?” He laughed lightly.

    “Positive. You’re great at pretending, remember?”

    “Ha ha,” Ryan said dryly. “So funny.”

    I smirked at him and straightened his freshly knotted tie.

    “Let’s go,” he said, shaking his head. Ryan grabbed his keys and we headed downstairs together. The others were all waiting for us in the living room. Margaret stood up when she saw us, an excited grin on her face.

    “I can’t believe we’re going to an actual art gallery opening! Oh Ryan, I’m so proud of you.”

    Despite his dismissive shrug, I knew her words meant a lot to him. He’d been pretty modest about this whole gallery thing, but I knew by the proud look in his eyes every time he talked about it that he was happy. Margaret pulled her son into a tight hug, her eyes a little watery. Jeremy smiled, patting Ryan on the shoulder affectionately. Then he checked his watch and he pointed toward the door.

    “We really should get going. Don’t want to be late for your own event.”

    “It’s not just my event,” Ryan protested, but he couldn’t seem to stop smiling.

    Chad, Ben, and both of Ben’s parents stood up as well. We all piled into the vehicles, Ben going with his parents while I went with the Holloways in their parents’ crossover SUV.

    “How did I end up in the middle?” I groaned, adjusting the hem of my dress. Chad and Ryan both leaned forward to exchange grins on either side of me and I sighed. Because they were immature boys, as soon as we started down the road they decided to play Slug Bug. I didn’t really mind up until Ryan missed his brother and punched my leg instead.

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