[32] Daddy Dearest

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Hey guys! So sorry I haven't updated in like almost a month. I just started my first semester of college so I've been kind of busy between that, work, and  trying to pretend I actually have a social life. Hahaha. :)

There are only two chapters left after this! So sad. D: But it's a good feeling, too. How have you all been? How's your 2015 going so far? Let me know in the comments! :)

Thank you so much for sticking with me through this!



A mixture of excitement and nerves bubbled in my stomach. I knew it was silly, but I couldn’t help it; Ryan’s older sister was looking forward to seeing me and what if I didn’t live up to her expectations? I fiddled with the stones of my necklace—the one Ryan had given me at Christmas and recently returned—as we inched forward through traffic.

    “Are you nervous?” Chad looked over at me from the driver’s seat. Blowing air out my lips, I nodded and let my shoulders sag.

    “What if I’m not everything she’s expecting?”

    Laughing, Chad shook his head. “She’s not going to be disappointed, I promise. Just relax, okay?”

    I nodded, but the anxious feeling didn’t leave. The light finally turned green and Chad eased the car forward. A few minutes later he stopped in front of a large building in the business district. I knew it had to be where Ryan was going for his therapy sessions and we only had to wait a few moments before he came out the front door. He lifted his hand in a wave before jogging over and getting into the back seat.

    “Hey,” he grinned, putting on his seat belt as Chad pulled out.

    I smiled and turned to look at him behind me. “Hi. How was your session?”

    “Good.” Ryan nodded. “Are you looking forward to this weekend?”

    Not only was Erin coming in, but Ryan’s and Ben’s families were both getting together for a sort of mini-reunion. I had yet to meet most of them, but was looking forward to it. I nodded, grinning at him for a moment before turning back around. By some miracle, we got to LAX relatively quickly and before I knew it we were all waiting for Erin to get off of her plane. A small group of people started to walk towards us from the gate and Chad suddenly grinned in excitement.

    “Erin!” He called, waving. A pretty girl with long brown hair and eyes the same color as Chad’s grinned and waved back. She readjusted the bag on her shoulder before rushing towards us.

    “Chad!” She pulled her younger brother into a tight hug and they both laughed. The reunion made me smile and somehow just seeing her made me relax a little. Next Erin hugged Ryan, and then they both turned to look at me.

    Grinning, Ryan took my hand and then gestured between us. “Erin, this is my girlfriend Kodi. Kodi, this is my older sister Erin. Which you both already knew.”

    Erin and I both laughed and she surprised me with an energetic hug. Pulling away, she sighed dramatically.

    “It’s amazing to finally meet you! I’m so happy Ryan found you.”

    My cheeks heated lightly in a blush, but I couldn’t help but grin at the comment.

    “Thank you. I’m so happy to meet you!”

    We all headed for the baggage claim to get Erin’s suitcase, talking and laughing as we went. It was easy to recognize the similar traits between her and Chad, and even Ryan. I smiled, knowing now that my fears had been ridiculous. I should have known that everyone in Ryan’s family would have accepted me simply because Ryan cared about me, regardless of whether or not he had gotten help.

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