[6] New Reality

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Happy New Year, everyone!!! :) I know I'm a couple days late, but when I decided to post, of course Wattpad was doing updates. xP Anyway, hope you enjoy. Comments and votes are greatly appreciated!



When I woke up the next morning my eyes were sore, puffy, and bloodshot. My entire body achedand the last thing I wanted was to get out of bed. But I could hear an agitated voice, loud in the huge, empty house and was pulled toward it in curiosity. It turned out to be Mark, talking angrily to someone on the phone. The door to his bedroom was open a crack, so I leaned forward to look through it.

    “I understand that, Daren, but it’s just not possible. My children’s mother just died for God’s sake. No, I won’t. I know that it will make us over budget but we’ll just have to manage. I don’t know; we’ll figure it out! Fine. You do that. Let me know how it works out for you!”

    He hung up angrily and huffed out a breath, throwing his phone against the mattress. Then he dragged both hands over his face and put his glasses back on. With a frown I headed quietly down the hall. For a moment I considered going back to my bed, but then at the last minute I change my course and headed for Dean’s room. I didn’t bother knocking, just opened the door and stepped in. He was already awake and sitting at his desk, wearing a pair of pajama pants but no shirt. I was still in my clothes from yesterday. As I got closer I saw that he was playing some kind of war game on his laptop. His fingers were furiously pushing buttons but his opponent was apparently better than him. The screen turned red as the words Game Over popped up. He swore and slammed it shut angrily, then turned around and jumped when he saw me sitting quietly on his bed.

    “Kodi. I didn’t hear you come in.”


    “It’s fine,” he said softly as he stood up and came to sit beside me. The mattress sank down further with our combined weight as I stared out his window.

    What was going to happen to me now? My entire world had been flipped upside down all because of one person’s stupid and reckless decision. Everything in life seemed almost empty now. Like there was no point in doing anything because Mom wouldn’t be there to see it. The sound of a sharp rap on Dean’s door made me jump. Lifting my gaze from the window, I turned to see Mark in the doorway. It was probably the first time I had ever seen him that he didn’t look like the former movie star/renowned director he was. His dirty blond hair was disheveled, his gray eyes nearly as bloodshot as mine, and he seemed to be slouching, which I’d never seen him do before. Slowly he crossed the wooden floor and sat down in the computer chair Dean had just left.

    “I called your uncle Bill and he says your grandparents are going to the funeral home today to make the arrangements.”

    Tears automatically filled my eyes, which seemed impossible. I’d cried so much by now I shouldn’t have any water left to shed. Swallowing hard, I looked down at my lap and just focused on breathing. I didn’t want to have another panic attack, so I squeezed my eyes closed and tried to concentrate on keeping the in, out, in, out rhythm of my breathing on track. Mark’s voice continued in my ears, but I couldn’t see his face.

    “I’ve made arrangements for us to fly out there as soon as we’re ready.”

    My eyes flew open and I stared up at him. My heart raced as I realized what that meant.

    “I’ll go pack a bag,” I said, standing up and robotically going to my room. I could hear him and Dean still talking in low voices but I didn’t listen to their words.

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