[22] Jumping In

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Hey guys! Hope you like the new chapter. :) Feel free to comment/vote if you do!



“I believe in you. You can do this.” I looked over at Ryan, who was staring at the building in front of us. He swallowed hard and gave a curt nod, but didn’t attempt to get out of my car.

    “Ryan,” I prompted softly.

    Turning to look at me, he sighed and squeezed his eyes closed.

    “Okay,” he finally said. “I’m going.”

    Unbuckling his seatbelt, he took in a deep breath before pushing the door open.

    “I’ll be here when you get out.”

    I sent him a reassuring smile and he nodded before stepping out and closing the door. After a brief hesitation he shoved his hands into his pockets and headed inside. I couldn’t imagine what he was feeling, but I smiled in admiration as he disappeared behind the door. Though he probably hadn’t told his family where he really was going this afternoon, I knew that it would come in time. Rolling down my windows, I turned off the car and got comfortable, opening my book and starting to read. When Ryan returned I realized it had been little over an hour.

    “Hey,” I said as he wordlessly clicked his seatbelt on. “How was it?”

    “It was…” he shook his head, unable to find the words. I glanced over at him and met his stormy gray-blue eyes. “Interesting.”

    “In a good way?”

    He nodded, meeting my gaze and giving me a small smile. “Yeah. Hey, you want to do something? I just…I don’t want to go home yet.”

    “Sure.” I smiled. “What do you want to do?”

    Ryan shrugged as I started the car and pulled out. We ended up on the beach, our pants rolled up and our shoes in our hands. There were still bags under Ryan’s eyes, but his color was finally back and his hands had stopped shaking. We walked quietly together, enjoying the sound of the waves breaking against the sand. Whenever the water touched my toes a shiver would race through my body at the icy water, but I didn’t mind. The wet sand squished between my toes and the salty air rustled my hair. It was peaceful and a small smile spread over my lips.

    I was watching the waves, mesmerized by them, when a shock of icy water splattered my back. Sucking in a breath, I spun around to see Ryan grinning mischievously. My eyes narrowed as I stooped down to splash him back. He tried to jump out of the way, but the drops soaked into his T-shirt.

    “Ugh, it’s cold!”

    “You think?!” I asked, trying to sound angry but only ending up laughing.

    Another splash soaked through my waist and I screamed. Laughing, I splashed him back. Ryan started to run and I immediately went after him, even though I knew I didn’t stand a chance of catching him. My focus was on Ryan, and I didn’t notice the tangle of kelp directly in my path. I stumbled as my bare foot slipped on the slimy plant and when I tried to catch my balance I only ended up in the sand.

    “Ugghh,” I complained as water soaked into my pants.

    My chest heaved as I tried to catch my breath, crawling on my hands and knees up the beach. Once I reached the first stretch of dry sand I laid down on my back, panting. A moment later Ryan’s face appeared, grinning above me. He lay down beside me and I didn’t fail to notice that he was barely winded.

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