[18] Last Straw

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Hey guys! So here I go again with not updating for months... Hope you like it anyway. :) If you do, let me know by dropping a comment and/or voting! Thank you so much for the support so far.



I woke to the sound of my phone ringing Saturday morning. The sound echoed through my silent room and I groaned. Sleep had pretty much evaded me all night and I wasn’t in the mood for a pleasant conversation. Rolling over, I put a pillow over my head and tried to ignore it. But when it went off again, I knew it was unavoidable and sighed in resignation. I turned onto my back and reached blindly for my phone with my right hand, patting the bedside table several times before finally closing my fingers around it.

    “Hello?” I mumbled tiredly.

    “Mornin’ sunshine!” Katie chirped, way too cheerful for nine o’clock in the morning. Not to mention she’d been drinking last night.

    “What do you want?”

    “Oh, grouchy, are we? How about some coffee on me? I was worried about you. You rushed out of there so fast last night. What happened?”

    I dragged a hand down my face and stared blankly at my white ceiling. What happened, indeed? I was still wondering that myself. I glanced at the sun peeking through the edges of my curtains and sighed. It wasn’t very likely that I’d be getting any more sleep, so I might as well accept her offer of coffee in order to be somewhat alive today.

    “Sure, why not?”

    “You didn’t answer me.”

    “We’ll talk about it later.” I pushed my covers aside and walked sleepily to my closet.

    “Fine,” she sighed. “I’ll be there in twenty minutes.”

    Too tired to really care, I found a pair of skinny jeans and a plain white silky tank top. I grabbed the first pair of shoes I could find and I didn’t even realize until I’d started to lace them up they were my red Converse high tops. I went into the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth, coming out to find that Katie had sent me a text saying she was waiting in the driveway. Since I didn’t have time to do anything with my hair, I just pulled it up into a pony tail and smoothed back the flyaways. Grabbing my purse, I went to Dean’s room to tell him I was going out, since Mark was gone for the weekend.

    “I’m going for coffee with Katie. Be back later.” I told him, sticking my head in the door.  My eyes widened when a girl’s face looked back at me. She seemed vaguely familiar and after a moment I realized she was Zombie Girl from the party last night.

    “Oh. Ew. Sorry, uh, I’ll call you later.”

    Dean finally stirred as the girl shook his shoulder and he turned with a groggy frown to look at me.

    “What?” He asked sleepily, rubbing his eye.

    “Nothing,” I shook my head, trying my best to rid myself of the mental image that was rapidly forming. My eye caught something and I reached in to grab Dean’s red hoodie.

    “I’m just gonna borrow this. Bye.”

    I hurried down the stairs as I pulled the jacket on and then pushed up my sleeves. Well, I guess that answered the dating question. At least I hoped it did. I didn’t think I could handle two guys in my life sleeping with random girls all the time. Ew, I need to stop thinking about this. Giving myself another shake, I pushed the thought from my head and slipped on my sunglasses as I headed for Katie’s car.

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