~Chapter 21~

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"So?" Said Sakura.

Currently, Crowley, Sakura and you are sitting in the private room of the library before the first class starts. Which was also your recent place to be alone for. There's 35 minutes left before the first class begins so we decided to chat in a more private room where no one can bother.

You take a deep breath while closing your eyes, getting ready to confess whatever the heck has happened to you. Because you know your best friends were really worried about you, they cared about you after all.

"Well..." You hesitated, yet again.

"Just tell us, we know something was going on with you." Crowley said, giving you worried eyes, the same as Sakura.

"Okay," You looked down instead of staring at their eyes. "First of all, I wasn't fine at all. Because Aoi keeps on hurting me."

Sakura gasps. "I knew it! She's definitely up to something!"

"She indeed really hates you so much. I don't know why because you did nothing wrong." Crowley says.

"And the real thing about my leg that was injured during the festival," You continued as Sakura and Crowley both opened their ears wide to listen about your story. "It was Aoi who injured it, she kicked me down when yer guys were ahead."

"That stupid jerk!" Sakura growled in annoyance. "Seriously what the f*ck did she think she is? Randomly kicking you?!"

"She wants me to stay away from the team..." You mumbled, softly rubbing your injured leg.

"So that's why you didn't want to sit with them yesterday." Crowley said and you nodded. "Are you gonna rely on her?"

You sighed sadly and finally looked up at them. "I have no choice. If I didn't rely on her, she would hurt me even more. She might gather her friends and they all gang up on me!"

Sakura and Crowley both went quiet as they looked at each other like they were communicating but using their eyes. "We'll protect you." Both of them said unison.

You shook your head and gave them a small smile. "Thanks guys but she might have bullied me when yer guys aren't with me."

Once again, the three of us went quiet. Nobody knows what to do with this situation. Report to the teacher might make it worse when she finishes her suspension (If she is involved in it).

Sakura sighed before looking at you. "How are you gonna tell them?" She asked.

You know exactly the word "them" refers to the volleyball team. "I'm not telling them," Sakura and Crowley looked at you with curiosity. "Can you guys help me tell them?"

"Oh heck no! They will ask lots of questions later!" Sakura denies as she waved her hands in front of your face.

"Yeah same..." Crowley responded.

You sighed. "Then I guess, no one tells them."

"Why don't you tell them (Y/N)?" (Crowley)

"Because I'm scared." (You)

"Scared of what?" (Sakura)

"Scared of betrayal or blame." (You)

"Seriously? Why would they blame you?" (Sakura)

"Cuz I know for sure they would say the reason was lame that I had to ignore them and what not. You guys know that I've been distant towards them." You look back down again, a sad expression was all over your face.

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