~Chapter 28~

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"Can I kiss you?"


You couldn't believe your ears when he said that, but you knew this would come, especially because of the position both of you are in right now.

The two of your foreheads touched each other, eyes locked. Your hands were on his chest while he had his arms around your waist.

He constantly pulls you closer as you try to back away. Once again, you couldn't escape. But there's no way you would let him kiss you, right? You mean absolute friends for him, at least that's what you thought he would think of.

Is this how he confesses his love to you?

Or is it just a prank?

And you're not sure whether he has a love interest for you. With his blunt face of his before, you couldn't tell. But now, his face has a little smile on it. You try not to stare longer on his lips, or else he would think that you really want to kiss him.

"O-osamu, is this some kind of joke?" You ask, not sounding excited nor offended, just a normal tone but stutter a little.

"Hmm? Why would you think this is a joke?" He asks you back, which is not the statement that you wanted.

"It-It's weird that you... suddenly wanted to kiss me..." You hesitantly say. Head hung low in order to break his loving eye contact.

But when he spoke, the breath started tingling your head, making shivers go down your spine.

"Well, are you really that dense?" He asks again, not bothering to answer your previous question.

"What do you mean?" You cluelessly ask, still not look up to see his face.

He moves one of his hands and tilt your chin up to face him. "That's because..." You're hoping he can finally answer it. He leans forward until nose touches this time. "I'm in love with you."

After his words, he kissed you. Your eyes widened at both his answer and the kiss.

You remembered. You remembered that he told you he'll tell you next time.

{𝖮𝗇 𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 14}

"Not gonna lie, I was hoping for you to mean that."

"What do you mean?" You asked cluelessly.

He sighed and went back to his cleaning. "I'll tell you next time."

I'll tell you next time.

He didn't lie when he said he'll tell you next time. His feelings for you were real.

The kiss, to be honest, you like the sensation of it. The sensation of this feeling. His lips were soft and warm, not to mention his fresh cologne that you smelled earlier until now.

You really like this, but you should resist. Until...

He leaned more to deepen the kiss, hands went from your waist up to your back. His other hand was about to go in your shirt but thanks for your perfect timing, your hand stops him by grabbing his wrist.

You don't want to, but you can't help it.

You kissed him back. One of your arms wrapped around his neck as another one trailed your hand to his arm. You just really love the sensation, the feeling of this. The two of you lips syncing and you can sense that he smiled when you kissed him back.

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