~Chapter 30~

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Today it's the day of Takeda-sensei's birthday, which means it's the day you would board the train on a trip to Miyagi Prefecture.

The night before, you managed to convince Atsumu to go back to his home after treating his wounds, you told him that his mother was worried about him not coming back.

Of course, he refused at first, but thanks to your ah-so-cute face ability, he obeyed. (His father picked him up because it was almost late at night.)

This morning, you woke up around 11pm because you were taking care of Atsumu yesterday until night time (treating his injuries, nagging him to go back and offering him dinner). You booked the train tickets for 2 pm, so you only have approximately three hours to prepare.

You packed your backpack, snacks, chargers and stuff and it took you only 30 minutes to finish packing. Of course you were going there for only a day, and so you decided to buy your way back to Hyogo train tickets in Miyagi Prefecture.

It is almost 12 pm, and you wanted to visit your auntie and tell her where you plan to go, also wanting to have your lunch there. 15 minutes walk to her store and you arrived. The bell that was attached on top of the door ringed around the whole cafeteria.

"My sweet (Y/N), hellooooo~" Your aunt greets you from the counter when she sees you enter.

"Ohayo, auntie~" You greeted your aunt back and you felt a small hand grabbing your fingers. You turn your head to see Akitema (your little cousin) playing with your fingers.

"(Y/N) nee-chan!" Your adorable cousin greets you with a big smile on her face.

"Ohayo, Tema~" You gently squeezed her puffy cheeks using the other hand that she did not play with.

"So, have you come here for strawberry shortcake and bubble milk tea?"

"Hmm... I was wondering about ordering some lunch, but when ya say that, yer made me change my mind." You said, almost drooling upon hearing your favorite sweets for lunch.

Your aunt chuckles. "Alright then, your favorite desserts comin' right up."

"Arigato, obasan [おばさん - aunt]~" You thanked her and still stayed at the counter with Akitema. You make a conversation with Akitema about her day, what she's been doing, where's Akirushi and so on. Akitema answered all the questions and asked the same thing to you.

What you answer for Akitema about your day was different from what it really happens. Love interests have been going through this week, or should you say, this month.

Crowley confesses his love to you before the festival while Tanmaki confesses to you on the day of the festival. The twins confess their love on the same day, which is yesterday.

Now that you think about it, you're not sure whether Suna had this love interest on you too. The way his affection can tell by now, for example, the way he would stares at you, the way he would hug you or trapping you, the way his smiles would appeared on his face so often just like Osamu and lastly, you thought you saw wrong but you could saw that he keeps on glaring at whoever you stay close with, especially the twins.

You were really afraid of what would happen next if Suna confessed his love to you. Will the twins fight or argue with him? Hopefully not because that would be a complete chaos. But the one question that keeps on lingering in your mind is, what makes them so interested in you?

Why are they in love with you?

You're just a normal girl that was warm-hearted and fun to play with as a friend.

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