Life As A Kid

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Usually I write my poems on random things, but today I put special thoughts into my poem because something that someone said to me.

As you guys know I am 13 years old. Would you call that a grown up or would you look at me as a child? Personally I think I'm still a child. 13 may start my teenage years but I'm not old yet. I'm still a little kid.

So what actually happened, I posted something on my status on the 21st. I'll just paste it here and show you guys.
**Wishing everyone a very special day of our life...😊*

*Today is the 21st day of this month , 21st week of  21st year of the 21st century**
One of my friends sent this to me, and I thought it was quite special, considering it literally happens once a century.

Two of my friends told me that there is nothing special in this. They are just a year older than me, both are 14. One of them said that I'm acting like a kid. I told him that I AM a kid, and he said that I need to grow up. Why?

I'm a kid who wants to enjoy my childhood. My parents always say that they miss their childhood and wish they could go back. So I don't want to have any regrets and live my life to the fullest, act childish and do whatever the heck I want!

They both are also those people who have Instagram and like to flaunt what they get. I'm not saying that they are bad but I'm saying that they are also getting caught in the society's standard of being "cool" and being pulled into the vortex of everything that I wish to avoid.

I had that phase two years ago when I wanted to look pretty, put on makeup, have Instagram and snapchat, and show that I have a amazing life, but I'm very glad that I pulled myself together and got out of that false illusion. Now I'm a childish girl again and I do all the weird things little children do, and I love every second of it.

I wanted to share this story with you so that just in case you don't realise and this is happening to you, you can save yourself and live a good life instead of one with regrets. I hope you understand what I am trying to convey here.....

[Published on 23/5/2021]

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