Chapter 1: Hello

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My name is y/n, I work at a café in Brighton England. I've been trying to get my music career going but I haven't had enough time to gather enough members for a band.

Me and my boyfriend Conner have been dating since we were teens. We're both now 24 years old. After a long day of work I finally made my way home.

I unlocked the door to my house to hear two voices coming from my bedroom. I slowly walked down the hall after setting my stuff down. I opened the door to see my boyfriend in bed with his fucking assistant.

I dropped my keys as Connor spoke. "It's not what it looks like I swear- y/n please" my mouth stood wide open as I spoke.

"Y-you told me not to worry about her, you told me I was crazy" I said, completely shocked. His assistant was sitting there silently as he spoke again "baby I-" I cut him off.

"No. I don't want to hear your fucking excuses, I'm leaving" I quickly grabbed a backpack and started stuffing my clothes in it as Conner quickly got dressed along with the blond bitch in our bed.

I held back my tears as I grabbed my essentials and guitar before leaving, not another word. I have no friends in this town so I have absolutely no clue where I'm going to go.

I got in my car as Connor chased me. I closed my door and locked it as I started pulling out of the drive way before flipping Connor off and driving away.

I just started driving, I had no clue where I was going. I could hear my phone blowing up next to me but ignored it. It was already 6 o'clock and I had no where to go.

I quickly called the nearest hotel to book a room for the next few nights. Since it was such short notice it's going to cost me extra.

I can't afford this, Connor was paying for our house. I don't have that much money. I reserved a room before driving to the park.

I slowly got out of my car grabbed my guitar and went to sit under a tree. I just need an escape from reality right now.

It was still light out so there were a few people at the park but not many. I pulled my guitar out of the bag, quickly tuned it and started aimlessly playing.

I like to write songs in my free time so I started playing on I'd been working on for a few weeks now. I hadn't finished it but I had the beginning done.

I slowly started playing as I thought about what lyrics I could add. Out of the corner of my eye I could see a few people come up and listen to me play. I didn't pay much attention to them until a nice old lady walked up and dropped £20 in my guitar case.

I looked up at her and smiled as she backed up to listen to me play more. The beginning was coming up, I looked at the audience I had. One man stuck out more than the others.

He's super tall, with brown wavy hair, we made eye contact for a second before I looked back down at my guitar and sung the words i worked on for weeks.

(Referring to Mr. Loverman by Ricky Montgomery you can play it if you want but y/n only have the beginning done)

I sung my heart out, not noticing when more and more people gathered around to listen to me. As I finished up my song I looked up to see a big group of people clapping for me along with that man...

Why does he stand out so much to me?

His eyes... god, his eyes. They're a dark brown color, soft and caring almost but at the same time so mysterious people slowly started tipping me and walking away. I thanked them before seeing it was getting dark.

I started to put my guitar away when the man walked over to me and spoke. "Uh- hi, I'm Wilbur" he stuck his hand out. I smiled and shook his hand "I'm y/n"

He smiled. Fuck. His smiled is perfect. He spoke. "What was that song you sang called? I really liked it"

"Oh sorry, I wrote it. It's not a real song" Wilbur smiled and nodded "are you planning on releasing it?" I shook my head "probably not. I want to join a band, I feel like drums and another guitar could really make the song better but I've been too busy to find enough people"

The man got a shy look on his face before speaking "I have a band, we're looking for another singer. You could also play the guitar if you'd like, you're wonderful."

I smiled "uh thank you but I'm barely making enough money to live right now I don't think I'd be able to have a consistent schedule."

The man nodded "I get that, maybe I could take your number down if you change your mind or if you just want a practice buddy?"

I nodded "sure" Wilbur handed me his phone, I put my number in and handed it back as I spoke "I'll see you around Wilbur" he waved as I walked away.

Holy shit.

I got in my car and let out a heavy breath. I'm really struggling with money right now, heck I'm living in a fucking hotel, but maybe I could play at the park and get save up some extra cash.

I'll definitely take Wilbur up on that idea of practicing together though. He seemed really nice. I drove back to my hotel and got settled down before checking my phone seeing I have a text from Wilbur.

*text convo*

Hey y/n it's Wilbur. I just wanted to let you know me and my band are going to be practicing tomorrow at 7 if you're free we'd love for you to join us.

I'd love to but like I said I don't think it's a good idea for me to join a band at the moment it wouldn't be fair to you guys.

I know, this is just a general practice kinda just messing around working out new things that we can do. You don't have to go but I'd definitely be some good practice and we have good snacks.

What kind of snacks....?

Crisps, dip, cookies. The usual.

I'm in.


Yeah, like you said it's good practice plus I get off of work at 5 so I'm free.

Alright that's awesome. We practice at Auditorium 92 do you know how to get there?

Yep, so auditorium 92 at 7 right?


Alright, I'll see you there.

See ya.

*end of text convo*

Just a little practice won't hurt right?

I went to sleep shortly after getting dinner, tomorrow after work, I'm going to practice with Wilbur and his band, then I probably have to deal with Connor....


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