Chapter 3: New roommate

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I woke up the next morning, got ready and went to work. Once I was finally done with work I got something to eat for dinner and I texted George.

*text convo*

Hey George, I just got off I'm picking up dinner then I'll be over.

Alright let me know when you're on your way


*end of text convo*

I finished my food and texted George I was on my way before driving over. Once I got there I noticed the apartments were in a pretty nice neighborhood and they looked nice from the outside.

I slowly walked up to apartment 2b before knocking. I waited a second before someone opened the door. He was a little taller than me, dark brown to black hair and brown eyes.

"You must be George?" I asked he nodded "yeah your y/n?" I nodded "guilty" George laughed before moving so I could walk in. "Come in come in"

I walked in to see an open kitchen and living room area George showed me around. There was a hallway that lead to his room an empty room and the bathroom. The empty room had a nice big closet and plenty of space for my things.

George didn't have much decorations around the house but it was really nice and well cleaned. After we finished the tour George spoke "so what do you think?"

I smiled "I really like the place if you're still willing to share it with me" George nodded "yeah, Wilbur says you're not a murderer so I'm good with you living here" I laughed "well I might still be a murderer but I'll spare you"

"That's all I could ask" George said with a laugh. "Okay well I can start moving my stuff tomorrow if that's alright"

George nodded "yeah that's fine, here's a spare key" he said as he handed me the keys. I smiled "alright thank you, I'll see you tomorrow"

"Alright bye" he said as I walked out. I got to my car before texting Wilbur.

*text convo*

George is nice :)

Yeah, are you going to stay with him?

Yep I'm moving my stuff tomorrow, thank you by the way. I really appreciate this I'd honestly probably homeless if you didn't help me get this apartment

It's really no problem, he's been wanting a roommate for a while

I have to go meet with my ex to get my stuff but I'll talk to you later

Alright bye, don't forget to let me know about Friday when you find out


*end of text convo*

After that I drove to my hotel and texted Connor.

*text convo*

You can drop the stuff off now

Alright I packed all your stuff into boxes for you

Thank you

*end of text convo*

After a couple minutes Connor came over, I got all my stuff inside while he made small talk. I wasn't ready to forgive him and he's just going to have to deal with that.

I sent him on his way and went to sleep. I woke up the next morning, went to work, when I finished work I texted George.

*text convo*

I'm on my way now

It's your apartment too you know, you don't have to tell me when you're coming over

All because of him (Wilbur soot x reader)Where stories live. Discover now