Chapter 2: Band practice

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I woke up the next morning, got ready and headed off to work. The day was as slow as usual. After what felt like forever I was finally off. It was now 5 o'clock.

I headed home took a shower and got something small to eat before getting a text from Wilbur.

*text convo*

Practice is starting in 20 min the boys are excited to meet you

I'm about to leave know, I'm excited to meet them too.

Alright see you soon

See ya :)

*end of text convo*

Once I was ready I left and drove to the auditorium. Once I got there I quickly texted Wilbur as I got out of my car and grabbed my guitar.

*text convo*

I'm outside, which door do I go in?

I'll just meet you outside


*end of text convo*

I looked up from my phone when I heard a door open up to reveal a tall man. I quickly smiled when I realized it was Wilbur.

He walked over to me and spoke "I'm glad to see you could make it, follow me this way" I nodded and walked inside with him.

He took me to the center of the auditorium, I saw three men all with instruments talking and laughing together. When they noticed me the one who was sitting at the drums stood up and stuck his hand out towards me as he spoke.

"You must be y/n, Wilbur has been telling us about how amazing you are." I laughed "I guess that's me" I said with a smile as the man spoke again.

"I'm Mark I play the drums that's Ash, he's plays the bass and last but not least that's joe, he plays the guitar" I nodded as mark pointed everyone out. Wilbur then spoke. "And as you know I'm Wilbur, I play guitar and I'm the lead vocals" I nodded.

"You seem to already have a full band" Wilbur shook his head "yeah I guess but we wanted another singer to harmonize with me." I nodded as joe spoke.

"Are you going to be able to join?" I shrugged "I don't know if I can right now, I'm very busy with work and it wouldn't be fair if I couldn't give you guys 100% of my attention"

Joe nodded in an understanding manner. Ash then spoke up. "So Wilbur told us you have a killer song you wrote?" I nodded "it's not done yet, but yeah I guess it's pretty good."

"Let's hear it" Ash said. I nodded before pulling out my guitar and slowly started playing. It took a minute to get to the beginning but one I got there I started singing.

(Referring to Mr. Loverman by Ricky Montgomery you can play it if you want but y/n only have the beginning done)

I started singing "I'm headed straight for the floor the alcohol servers it's tour and it's headed straight for my skin leaving me daft and dim." I sang softly.

I was looked down at my guitar playing as the boys watched and listens closely. "I've got this shake in my legs, shaking the thoughts from my head but who put these waves in the door."

I plaid the song on the guitar as I spoke "that's as far as I've gotten with the lyrics but I finished up the chords" the boys nodded as I heard mark whisper to Wilbur.

"We need this girl in our band, her voice is incredible" I smiled as Wilbur responded. "I know, I told you she was amazing"

I finished up the chords before looking up to see everyone clapping. I smiled as joe spoke. "Wilburs right, you're really good. Where did you learn to sing and play?"

All because of him (Wilbur soot x reader)Where stories live. Discover now