Chapter 5: More than friends?

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I woke up the next morning and went to work. Half way through my shift I got a text from the band group chat.

*text convo*

I got us a gig in two weeks at the fancy place on highway 92


Fuck yeah!

How much are they paying us?


That's £900 each

Holy shit really?

I told you this would be a good idea

That's a whole month of my salary at work

That's why we all do this full time

Well I have to go because I am currently at work so I'll see you all tomorrow

See ya


*end of text convo*

I finished up my day at work before going home and hanging out with George the rest of the night. I went to sleep and woke up the next morning to a phone call from Wilbur.

*call convo*

Y: hello

W: hey y/n I'm streaming at 4 then practice is at 6 am I still picking you up go hang out?

Y: yeah I get off of work at 12 so pick me up whenever after that

W: alright I'll see ya then.

Y: goodbye Wilbur

W: bye love

*end of call convo*

I smiled at the name as I got up and ready for the day. I headed to work and spent a painful amount of time talking to annoying customers. Once I was done with work I went home and played on my phone for a while before there was a knock at my bedroom door.

"Come in" I spoke. George peaking in the door before speaking "your boyfriend is here" I smiled "we're just friends but okay tell him I'll be out in a second"

George laughed and nodded before walking out closing my door behind him. I brushed my hair before walking out to see Wilbur sitting on the couch with George.

I walked out and flopped on the couch next to them "ready to go?" Wilbur asked. I nodded "yeah I'm ready to go watch you like a creep" Wilbur laughed as he stood up holding a hand out to me.

I grabbed it and stood up. Wilbur continued to hold my hand as we walked out of the house.

I didn't complain I just followed. He walked me to my door and opened it as he spoke "for you love" I smiled as I got in. He closed my door for me before getting in the drivers seat.

We were driving for a minute before we made it to Wilburs office. We quickly got out and walked up to the door. Wilbur un locked it and we went in.

Wilbur quickly grabbed me a chair to sit in off camera before sitting in his chair. "Are you going to want to talk in the stream or just silently be there?" He asked.

"I'll stay silent" Wilbur nodded as he got his steam set up. "Alright I'm about to start, if you need me text me" I nodded as he clicked 'start stream'

I watched him laugh and talk to his chat for a couple minutes before I got a text from the group chat. Wilbur looked down at this phone for a second before going back to talking to his chat ignoring the text.

All because of him (Wilbur soot x reader)Where stories live. Discover now