Chapter 4: First date

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We drove to my apartment, I quickly went inside dropped over my guitar and headed back out. Wilbur was standing next to his car as I walked over.

"Get in the car giraffe looking mother fucker" Wilbur laughed "the fuck did you say to me bitch" I laughed at our stupidity as we both got in the car I spoke. "No but seriously though how are you so fucking tall"

Wilbur laughed "I ask myself that question everyday" we both laughed it off as Wilbur started driving.

"Where are we going?" I asked. Wilbur smiled "I was thinking we could pick up some burgers and go to this nice hill and look down at the city as we eat"

I nodded "that sounds amazing Wilbur" Wilbur continued driving until we reached a nice burger restaurant. "I already ordered ahead, I'll be right back" I spoke before he got out of the car "what did you get me?"

He smiled. "I guess you'll have to wait and see" I just smiled back at him as he got out and went inside.

I waited for him to come back before he handed me the bags and said "no peaking the hill is only a couple minutes away" I just nodded as we drove.

Wilbur drove us to a nice tall grass hill. I slowly got out of the car with the bag of food in one hand as I walked over to the edge and looked at the view.

I looked back to see Wilbur grabbing something out of his trunk. It was already dark out all the lights from the city lit up the sky beautifully.

As I was looking down at the city I heard a voice behind me. "Beautiful isn't it" I nodded "gorgeous" Wilbur smiled as he set down a blanket for us to sit on.

"I like to come up here and look down at the city when I need time to think or just need a breather" I nodded "I understand why, it's gorgeous"

Once the blanket was set up Wilbur sat down, I sat next to him as I slowly pulled the food out of the bag. Wilbur spoke. "I got us the same thing" I smiled.

"Burgers and chips" (French fries if your American) Wilbur spoke. I smiled as we both started to eat. Wilbur spoke first. "So did George tell you more about my job?" I shook my head "no he just told me you two work together"

Wilbur nodded "yeah, have you ever heard of twitch?" I smiled and nodded "yeah, that's one thing you should know about me, I love video games"

Wilbur got a big smile on his face. "That's a relief, i honestly thought you were going to say it's weird" I laughed "why would you think that?"

"You're gorgeous, funny, and talented. So I just assumed that would be your one downside." I shook my head "nope I'm perfect." Wilbur laughed as we continued eating.

Once we finished our food, me and Wilbur both looked down at the lights in silence. I had my head on his shoulder. I was the first one to speak. "About what I said earlier..." Wilbur tilted his head. "Which part?"

"The having a crush on you thing" Wilbur nodded as I continued "I really do like you Wilbur but I'm not ready to get into another relationship" Wilbur nodded "I really like you too and I'm willing to wait for you to be ready"

I nodded and smiled "thank you" we sat there for another few minutes before I spoke "do we only practice on Fridays and Sunday's?" Wilbur nodded "yeah every Friday and Sunday and when we have a gig we practice at he night before as well"

"Alright, I'm really excited to work with you guys but I don't really think I want to continue my song" Wilbur scrunched his eyebrows and looked down at me. "Why not?" I shrugged.

"I kinda just want to forget about Connor, I don't want to make a whole song about him" Wilbur nodded "I get that but it's really coming along well, what if we make it about someone else"

"Who" I asked "how about you pretend you're making it about me, when you say 'I miss my loverman' you can be referring to missing me after I drop you off after our dates" I laughed "you know what, you're right I can try that"

We sat there for a few more minutes before Wilbur spoke "do you have work tomorrow?" I nodded "yeah but I get off early on Sunday so we can hang out before practice"

Wilbur laughed "how do you know that's what I was gonna ask you?" I laughed back. "I don't but I want to hang out with you, so it works out"

Wilbur nodded "I'd love to but I'm streaming on Sunday, you're welcome to come over and watch though. You don't have to be on camera" I nodded "I'd love to but it's getting kinda late, I should get going now"

Wilbur stood up before reaching his hand to me, to help me up. I gladly took it and stood up before helping Wilbur with the trash and the blanket. We got everything pack up and in the car before Wilbur drove me home.

Once we arrived at my apartment I got out and spoke "this was really fun Wilbur thank you, I'll see you Sunday, pick me up whenever" Wilbur smiled "goodbye love"

I smiled as I walked back to my apartment. 'Love' wow. I love that. I got back into my apartment to be greeted by George sitting on the couch watching tv.

I sat next to him with a big sigh. "How did the date go?" I smiled "how did you know it was a date?"

"Wilbur was texting me throughout the whole thing asking how to be cool" I laughed "really?" George nodded "yeah, don't tell him I told you that but he was texting me asking what to say and how to act cool as if I would know, I'm color blind for crying out loud"

I laughed "wait really? Are you actually color blind?" George nodded "only to certain colors but yeah I am" I smiled and nodded. We both watched tv together before he spoke "what are you doing tomorrow"

"Working all day" I said with a sigh. "How about Sunday?" He asked. "Hanging out with Wilbur when I get off work, why?" George raised an eyebrow. "So that means the date went well?" I nodded.

"Yeah, I had a lot of fun but I'm just hanging out while he's streaming it's no big deal." George smiled as he nodded. Soon I ended up going to bed so I could wake up for work tomorrow.

1138 words

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