Chapter 6: First show

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I woke up the next morning to my alarm going off. I quickly got out of bed and got ready for our performance. I checked my phone to see some texts from the group chat.

*text convo*

Are you guys ready to rock?

Fuck yeah

Ready as I'll ever be

Don't worry y/n we're going to do amazing

Yeah I'm sure of it

I'm getting ready now, when are we meeting?

We're meeting in 2 hours time.

Got it I'll see you guys soon

See you soon love.

You guys are so cute together

Shut the fuck up joe, let them have their moment

He's not wrong they would be the cutest couple

How about you all shut the fuck yo and get ready


*end of text convo*

As I was laughing my ass off I finished getting ready. I sat on the couch waiting to leave when George walked out with a smile on his face. I smile back "why are you so happy this morning?"

"Im excited to see you preform" I tilted my head and raised an eyebrow "you're coming?" He nodded "I wouldn't miss your first performance" I just smiled and nodded "well I'm glad you'll be there"

Me and George talked for a little bit before I headed to the place where we were preforming. I drove George along with me. As we were driving George spoke "you wanna know a secret?" I laughed "are we children?" George nodded "basically" I nodded back "then sure, what is it"

"You can't tell Wilbur I told you this but the song you guys have been practicing together 'this side of paradise' is about you" I scoffed "that's not true"

George nodded "it is, he was hoping you would notice when you guys were practicing but you didn't. He's not planning on telling you so don't tell him I told you okay?" I nodded, completely speechless.

There's no way it's about me right?

We arrived at the place before I got out and found the boys, George got in the audience. They all greeted me as I was overthinking the fuck out of everything.

I told Wilbur I'm not ready for a relationship, he said that's okay so why would he write a song about me?


"We're going on in 10 minutes" mark spoke. I nodded as I pushed all my thoughts to the back of my head.

After ten minutes we were called onto the stage thingy. Wilbur and joe introduced us before we started playing. We played a few songs that we practiced before it came to our final performance.

Wilbur spoke in the microphone. "This final song I wrote goes out to the woman that I love" everyone cheered. Maybe George was right...

(Play this side of paradise by coyote theory)

We slowly started the song. Wilbur started off singing while waited for my part. "ask me my why my hearts inside my throat, I've never been in love I've been alone, feel like I've been living life asleep. Loves so strong it makes me feel so weak"

Here's my part. Wilbur pulled away from the microphone as I grabbed the bottom of the microphone stand and sang. "Are you lonely? Our fingers dancing when they meet." I could see from the corner of my eye, Wilbur was watching me smiling.

"You seem so lonely" I sang as Wilbur sang the back up lyrics 'are you lonely' Wilbur took over singing as I stood back.

Wilbur never mentioned any other woman in his life to me.... maybe he did write this song about me.

He always calls me 'love' he takes me on dates.... this song is about me.

I listened back in as Wilbur sang now looking directly at me. "If you're lonely, come be lonely with me... Underneath the pale moonlight dreaming of a circus life carousels and Ferris lights" it was now my turn. Still looking directly into Wilburs eyes I sang.

"I'll be yours if you'll be mine, 'cause I'm lonely, I'm so lonely. If you hold me I'll be your only- are you lonely"

Wilbur grabbed the mic stand and sand the next line with me "our fingers dancing when they meet" Wilbur kept singing as he slowly grabbed my hand intertwining our fingers.

Wilbur slowly finished off the song as I stared down at our hands. Is it too soon to get into another relationship?

The last line was coming up I looked back up to Wilbur as I sang the final line. "If you're lonely come be lonely with me" the second I finished the line I felt a hand on my chin forcing me to look into Wilburs eyes as he spoke low enough so only I could hear him.

"I know you're not ready for a relationship but can I still kiss you?" I smiled and nodded as he leaned in and kissed me in front of the crowd.

I could hear everyone cheering as Wilbur slowly pulled away. I smiled as we slowly walked off the stage.

Holy shit.

George was right.

Once we fully walked away i saw mark whisper to Wilbur as joe come over to talk to me. "Sooooo" I smiled "what"

"How was it" I laughed "If you're talking about the performance it was good, if you're talking about the kiss... it was magical" joe smiled. "I was talking about the kiss"

I just smiled as Wilbur walked over and spoke "you did amazing love" I nodded "all of us did amazing" everyone nodded. We all talked about the performance for a couple minutes before George came up behind me and whispered in my ear.

"I told you" I just smiled as he started talking to Wilbur. Once we all finished talking it was time to go home. We got everything packed in our cars before Wilbur spoke to me as everyone else went there own ways.

"I'll see you Friday love" I smiled and nodded "see ya" I slowly got in the car as George spoke "my baby's in love" I laughed "is Wilbur your baby or me?"

George shrugged "both" i laughed before speaking "and that's called incest" George scoffed "that's not what I meant."

We continued talking as I drove us home. Once we got there we went inside, me and George got dinner before I got ready for bed. As I was laying in bed I saw I had a text from Wilbur.

*text convo*

Goodnight love, sleep well

Goodnight I'll see you Friday?

I was hoping maybe we could meet up before that, just me and you

If I didn't know any better I would think you're asking me on a date mr wilby

Well good because I am... how's Wednesday at 8 sound? Movie night at my place?

I'll be there, you better have popcorn or I will cry

Noted I'll get popcorn

Alright I'll see you then

Alright see ya

*end of text convo*

It's definitely too soon to be having these feeling.... fuck, why am I getting butterflies.

I just need some sleep.... right?

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