Chapter 8: Pain

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I woke up the next morning and immediately got ready and went to work. After work I texted Wilbur.

*text convo*

I'm on my way home from work are you ready for our date?

So fucking ready, are you bringing your best writing skills?

I'll definitely try

Good, I'll be over in an hour

See you soon

Alright, I'll see ya love

*end of text convo*

I got home got ready and played on my phone for a bit before I heard a knock at my bedroom door. "Come in" George peaked his head in "mr lover boy is here" I just smiled and stood up quickly walking out of my room seeing Wilbur standing in the living room.

I walked over and quickly took him into a hug as I spoke "I missed you" he laughed "we just saw each other yesterday love" I smiled "I know but I still missed you"

George then spoke "quit the PDA and get going love birds" I smiled as Wilbur grabbed my hand and led me out the door.

We got in his car as I spoke "what are we gonna eat?" He smiled. "I packed us food" I tiled my head as Wilbur started driving "you made food?" He nodded "we're having a picnic" I just smiled as Wilbur drove.

Soon we arrived at the hill me and Wilbur had our first date. I was smiling fro ear to ear as we pulled up Wilbur must have noticed because he then said "excited?" I nodded.

"It's the hill" Wilbur laughed "the hill I took you on our first date, yeah. I like to come here and think" I smiled as we both got out of the car Wilbur grabbed a blanket and picnic basket from the trunk as I grabbed my paper and pencil.

I helped Wilbur set up the blanket before we both sat down. Wilbur pulled out sandwiches and sodas from the basket. I smiled as we both got to eating.

We started brainstorming for the song as I spoke "it helps me to think of this song as missing you after you drop me off as opposed to Connor" Wilbur smiled and nodded.

We wrote until it got dark. Still only a little more than half way through the song, I spoke. "I really need to get home, I still have a lot to do tonight" Wilbur tilted his head "what else have you got to do?"

"Filter the spam from our email and work on getting gigs" Wilbur nodded "okay we'll get to sleep at a decent time, I should probably go home and prepare for my stream tomorrow" I nodded "what time are you streaming?"

"12" I smiled "can I come watch" Wilbur nodded "of course, you're always welcome" I nodded as we cleaned up and Wilbur dropped me off at home.

I immediately went to my room and created a spreadsheet for our gigs to organize it better, it took a while but I finally got it organized.

I spent the next couple hours filtering out the spam of our business email and adding potential gigs to the spreadsheet.

As I was typing on my computer I realized the sun coming through my windows... fuck. I stayed up all night now I have to get going for work.

I can always sleep later right?

I quickly got dressed and went to work. I open today so I have to be there at 6am therefore I get off at 11. I went through my day yawning and drinking a fuck ton of coffee.

Once I was finally done with work I went to Wilburs office to watch him stream. I knocked on the door, he opened it immediately hugging me before pulling away and looking me in the eyes with a worried look on his face.

"You look exhausted" he spoke. I nodded "I stayed up all night working on the email and spreadsheet then I had to go to work"

Wilbur kept the worried look on his face as he spoke "it's not healthy to stay up for that long, you should get to bed" I shook my head "no I wanna watch you stream, trust me I'm okay"

Wilbur just nodded knowing how stubborn I am as we walked in. We talked for a minute before Wilbur started his stream.

I watched as my eyes slowly closed and opened. I managed to keep myself away the whole stream. Once he ended he spoke "now will you sleep?" I shook my head "I haven't eaten today"

Wilbur scoffed "seriously y/n you're worrying me, you need sleep" I nodded "I know, trust me I'm fine I just need food" Wilbur nodded. We talked a little more before I went home.

I got food before walking to my room. As I was going to enter George spoke from the living room. "Wait y/n come watch this with me"

I quickly turned around and walked back. I watched the stupid show he wanted me to watch for a solid 30 minutes before finally speaking up "I really have to go work on band stuff but I'll definitely watch more tomorrow"

George nodded and let me go on my way, it was now nearly 10 o'clock and I haven't finished this fucking spreadsheet.

I forced my self to stay awake for just a little while longer as I worked on the spreadsheet. I only ended up working on it until 3 am before I decided to call it a night.

I went to sleep just to have to wake up again at 5 am... two hours of sleep should be enough right?

I got ready and went to work after work I got my guitar and went to band practice. As soon as I walked in Wilburs face dropped. He immediately walked walked over to me and grabbed me by my shoulders.

"Did you sleep?" I nodded "yeah but I had to be up early for work so I only ended up getting like two hours of sleep" Wilbur scoffed "what the fuck were you doing all night?"

"I was working on the spreadsheet like I'll be doing again tonight... I'm fine Wilbur just drop it" Wilbur shook his head "let me do the stupid spreadsheet you need sleep"

I shook my head and pulled away from Wilburs grasp "I have a certain way I do it, just drop it I'm fine" I walked over to the other boys and started practicing. I practiced guitar for a little bit before working on my song.

My head started hurting so I laid it down for a second next thing I know Wilbur is shaking me awake "wake up love, practice is over" I quickly sat up and looked around. Everyone else was already gone.

"Fuck, did I sleep though the whole thing?" Wilbur nodded as I spoke again "why didn't you wake me up"

Wilbur gave me a stern look "you need sleep-" I cut him off "you're not my mom Wilbur" I then stormed off to my car. Maybe it's just the sleep deprivation but I'm in a terrible mood right now.

I drove home and worked more on the spreadsheet before Wilbur texted me.

*text convo*

I'm sorry for seeming mad but you need sleep to survive

But I have commitments I need to finish

The boys will understand if you don't get the stupid thing done

I told them I'd get it done, I'm fucking finishing it. End of discussion.

*end of text convo*

I set my phone down and ignored it for the rest of the night. After a couple hours George knocked on my door "come in" George came in and said "you alive" I laughed "yeah why?"

"Wilbur is asking if you're awake" I just rolled my eyes as George walked out. I finished up the spreadsheet and filtering the emails before sending them to joe and going to bed.


I'm so fucking tired.

1350 words

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