Chapter 9: I dont love you

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I woke up the next morning to my alarm. I only slept a few hours last night... I went to work before getting home and seeing I had a text from Wilbur.

*text convo*

We need to talk

Is everything okay?

I'm not sure

Do you want to call?

No, I'll be over in 10 minutes

Oh- okay

*end of text convo*

What the fuck is going on? As I was laying in bed waiting for Wilbur to come over my eyes slowly started to close. I'm so fucking exhausted.

I understand sleep is important but I made commitments I need to follow through with them.

I slowly drifted off to sleep waiting for Wilbur. I woke up to a knock at my door. I slowly opened my eyes as Wilbur walked in with a worried look on his face. I quickly sat up as he sat down on the edge of the bed. He spoke first. "I think you need to take a break" I raised an eyebrow "from what?"

"Everything. The band, me, work, everything" he spoke "w-what? Why? What do you mean you?" I spoke. "You have too much on your plate right now you need to take a break from everything, especially from me"

"What? Why you?" I asked in a confused tone. "I'm the whole reason you're in this mess, you spend hours sitting in my office watching me stream on top of working all day then we go to band practice on top of planning all of our gigs, you need a break"

I shook my head. "I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me, I love you" Wilbur clenched his teeth as he spoke. "I thinks I'd be best if we stop seeing each other"

"W-what but Wilbur please- I'll quit the fucking band if you want but I can't loose you, please" Wilbur shook his head "it's for the best, I'm sorry"

"But you told me you love me? If that's true you wouldn't be trying to fucking abandon me" Wilbur shook his head. "We're not together-" I cut him off "we can be"

"I'm sorry" I shook my head fast "you told me you love me will-" he cut me off "I lied" I was shocked. "That's not true. That's fucking bullshit"

"I'm so sorry" I grabbed Wilburs face forcing him to look me in the eyes "look me in the eyes and tell me you don't love me."

He stared at me for a second before speaking "I don't love you, I lied" with that singular sentence my heart broke into a million pieces.

It's can't be true.

Both my hands dropped to my sides as tears fell down my face. I looked up at Wilbur one last time as he walked out, not another word.

The second my door closed I broke into tears, my sobs could be heard throughout the house. I heard my door open as I curled over barely breathing, shaking.

I felt a hand on my back and George spoke. "He truly believes this is what's best for you, he wants you to be happy" I looked up and spoke in a broken voice. "You knew?"

George shook his head "no, Wilbur just told me before he left" I hid my face in my pillow as George spoke again. "He has been watching you slowly loose sleep and slowly killing your body for days. He just wants you to be happy and healthy"

I didn't respond. I stayed laying there crying all night. George stuck by my side the whole time. Before we knew it, I saw daylight coming from the window.

I felt George rub small circles on my back as I slowly fell asleep. That's the last I remember before waking up to George at my door "do you want food? I'm going to get something from chipotle" I shook my head.

"I'm not hungry" I lied. "You have to eat, don't let Wilburs decision dictate your life" I didn't respond. After a couple seconds George left my room leaving me alone again.

It can't be true. Wilbur told me he loves me. He wouldn't lie about that right? I need to hear him tell me this is all some sort of sick joke...

I quickly found my phone and called him. One it rang once.... twice... three times... no answer. I called again... and again... and again.

No answer.

I then tried texting him.

*the texts*

Please Wilbur pick up
Come on this isn't funny
I'm sorry
Just tell me you're okay please

*Read at 7:45 pm*

*end of texts*

He can't just ignore me forever. I spent the rest of the day laying in bed just waiting for something, anything but sure enough nothing came.

I soon fell asleep just to be woken up by George knocking at my door. He slowly opened the door and spoke "I made waffles do you want some?" I shook my head "I'm not hungry"

"The whole reason Wilbur isn't talking to you is because you weren't taking care of yourself imagine how pissed he'd be to find out you're not eating anymore" I ignored George he soon walked out.

He's right. Wilbur would be so mad but who gives a fuck. Wilburs not here to tell me to eat...


It's been days. I text Wilbur every day I've never gotten a response just a stupid 'read' he can read my texts by not answer me... what the fuck.

He's all I have. I honestly don't remember what I did without him. I need him. I tried calling one last time... no answer.

I waited for the voicemail just to hear his voice say his own name. "Please leave your message for -Wilbur gold-" though it was only two words I listened to it over and over again.

George came knocking on my door, he didn't say a word he just set a plate of food on my desk. I didn't have enough energy I move.

I don't know how much longer I can do this.

I have nothing else. Wilbur and the band are all I have, that's all that's keeping me alive right now... I need them.

I called one final time this time leaving a voicemail. "Please leave your message for -Wilbur gold-" the phone spoke. "Uh- hey Wilbur. I-I just need to know if you're serious please call me back if you can... I need to know that you still care"

I ended the voicemail before laying there praying, hoping he calls back telling me he cares...

Nothing came.

I stayed awake looking at my phone awaiting a notification for hours... he doesn't care. He wasn't kidding. He doesn't love me...

I can't do this anymore.

1144 words

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