Chapter 10

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Ally's POV

I had walked out of the woods, expecting there to be a flurry of yelling coming at me but..... there was none. That was very suspicious. I slowly walked up to the back door with the stick raised up to anyone and anything. I slowly creeped the back door open and stepped inside. I walked into the dark living room.

"Something doesn't feel right," I thought.

"Hello," I asked as my voice flowed into the air, "Where is everyone?"

Suddenly the lights turned on and there stood one person that I didn't really want to see right now.... it was Liu.

I growled and said, "What the heck do you want? Where is my family? Why are you siding with Zalgo? Why-"

"Whoa there darling," he said, "One question at a time. First, your family went out to eat about 30 minutes ago. Second, I want you to come with me. Third, siding with Zalgo is better than being with those pansies of Creepypasta's."

"They aren't pansies," I growled out, "And I'm never gonna come with you. To think that you were one of my fave creepypasta's along with Jeff. Now only Jeff is my fave CP."

He looked at me with slight hurt in his eyes but at that point I didn't really care. He broke everyone's trust when he sided with Zalgo. He has also lost my respect.

"With the little time that I've spent with Jeff," I started, "I can tell, because I'm also an older sibling, that he regrets what he did to you and your guys' parents."

At that he slightly crumbled.

"How would you know," he questioned, "How would you know if he regretted it?"

"Because of the look he had in his eyes whenever he talked about you and his parents," I replied, "and because if I was in his position, I would regret it too. Please Liu, don't do this to your brother. He really does love you. -sniffs- You should have seen the look on his face when he came back after seeing you with Zalgo. He was almost in tears Liu."

As I said that, a tear rolled down his cheek.

"He leaned onto me for a hug," I said holding back my own tears, "He wants more than anything for his brother to come back so he can continue annoying him because that's what siblings do. They annoy each other. Please go back."

"I-I'll think about it," and then he vanished and reappeared in front of me saying, "Sike."

I backed away as fast as I could and put the sharp stick in front of me for defense. He snapped his fingers and we both disappeared and then reappeared in another room. He looked at me with this sinister look on his face with the exit portal behind him.

"Let's see if you can get passed me to the exit," he said smirking.

I cracked my neck and said, "Bring it scar boy."

His smirk turned into a scowl at the nickname I gave him. He then dashed straight at me with his knife aimed at my face. I quickly dodged and ducked out of the way because he swipped at my head. I put my leg out effectively tripping him momentarily. I booked it towards the exit portal. I was almost there when I felt something sharp enter my right thigh. I grunted in pain and looked down. Liu's knife was stuck in my thigh. I beared the pain and ran straight into the portal. I heard Liu screaming at me to come back. Obviously I didn't. On the other side of the portal was this really old looking house. The lights were on inside.

"S-Slender," I menatally said while my breathe was getting heavier, "P-Please help me. I think I'm outside of the mansion. Liu's knife is s-stuck in m-my leg. H-Help."

After I said that, I feel on the ground out of breathe. My vision was slowly fading to black. I looked at the front doors of the mansion as they burst open. I vaguely saw Jeff running over to me. Along with Dr. Smiley right behind him.

"J-Jeff," I weakly said, "Liu had me."

"It's okay kid," he said with a slightly angry undertone, "You're fine. Just stop talking and we'll get you inside." He then picked me up bridal-style and started jogging to the mansion.

"H-He said the o-only way to get out w-was through him," I kept saying, "I was c-close to the portal w-when he threw his k-knife into my leg."

"It's alright kid," Jeff said while walking inside the mansion doors, "I've got ya, okay. I've got ya."

His words were slowly fading away as I passed out from blood loss.

Jeff's POV

I heard her stop talking and quickly looked down at her. She had passed out. I quickly rushed her into Smiley's medical room and layed her down on one of the tables. Smiley then proceeded to lock me out of the room so he could work. Saying I was worried is an understatement. Also saying I was mad was an undertstatement too. I was pissed and I know just who to take it out on. Liu.

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