Chapter 11

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Ally's POV

~In Unconsious Mind~
I bolted upright and looked around. Everything was black. I got up and started walking straight. While I was walking I was looking all around me. I looked right then I looked left. Before I looked right again something caught me eye and I quickly looked in that direction. I saw these huge, very tilted and very far apart, red and yellow eyes. I took a slight step back in fear but pushed myself forward. With every step I took something was telling me to run. Then I stopped as I realized exactly what I was looking at.

I growled as I said, "Your mind games won't work on me that easily.... Zalgo."

Then his chuckle echoed arounf the area in amusement.

"You," he started, "You are very clever. Join me and I will help you nurture your talents."

"I will never ever join you," I growled out, "I will work with the CP's to help bring you down."

He growled in anger as he said, "Alright then young one. Let's see how you end up with my mind games torturing you into submission." His eyes then disappeard and everything went back to total darkness. I quickly looked around in case he popped up out of nowhere.

"Bring it you crusty old man," I yelled in defiance.

Jeff's POV

I was still pacing infront of the doors as Slender appeared out of nowhere.

I sighed as I said, "What is it old man?"

"She is fighting Zalgo in her mind," He stated, "I was able to catch some of their conversation and it seemed she was determined to end him and his mind games."

I froze in slight shock and worry, "Is she going to be okay? I need to help her."

"Zalgo put up mind barriers that I can't get through," he replied, "She is strong Jeffery. I wouldn't have considered her a proxy if she wasn't strong enough to handle Zalgo and his mind games. Although it looks like you have someone new to protect and cherish."

I slightly blushed and replied, "Well, you are right. I can't hep but to worry. She's precious to me. I wish I could just jump in and safe her."

"There will be many tests she will have to go through," Slender said, "This is just one of them. Do not worry too much child. She has very strong willpower and bravery. Her mind is also very strong against mind games. She was able to lock me out of her mind the first time I talked to her. She is strong. She will get through this."

I looked up at him and said, "Alright. I'll trust her."

I looked at the doors with the intent to see her walk through them..... and hopefully soon.

Ally's POV

I got back up after being knocked down for upteenth time.

I sighed as I yelled out, "Is this all you've got?! Come on! I do this stuff to myself all day everyday because of the impossible expectations my mom always puts on my shoulders! This is nothing! Give me something new!"

I huffed and puffed as I stood there waiting for something to happen. Next thing I know I appear in my living room with my little brother in front of me. I sigh as I get prepared for whatever is thrown at me.

"I can't believe I have you as an older sister," my fake brother said, "You are a disgrace to the family. I wish you were given away when you were little."

I looked at the very fake version of my brother with a bored look.

"Really Zalgo," I said, "Do you not think I tell this to myself everyday. But I know my brother loves me until the ends of the earth. I know this is fake. Are you getting annoyed that none of what you have done is working?"

Then everything disappeared as his eyes appeared again.

"What will it take to make you break," he yelled at me, "Tell me?!"

"Man," I huffed out, "You don't look to happy."

He growled in annoyance. Then it looked like he got an idea. His eyes disappeared and a dance room came into view. I prepared for something and everything. Then BTS appeared infront of me. I sighed as I knew, once again, whatever was about to happen wasn't real. Besided I've never met BTS in real life before. Why would what these fake versions of them ever effect me?

"Why are you one of our fans," Jimin said, "Just go crawl back wherever you came from."

Once again, I sighed bored and said to the air, "Come on Zalgo. Give up. I've never met them before. Why would what they say ever mean anything to me?"

Everything disappeared and his eyes appeared again. He looked so frustrated it was funny. I almost laughed.

"Give up Zalgo," I said to him, "It's almost better to just attack me in real life. That way I really would get hurt. Just end this."

He huffed annoyed as everything started fading to a bright light. Then I woke up.

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