Chapter Two: Close Call

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        The ambulance arrived at the hospital and was welcomed by a troop of trauma surgeons.

        "Take him to trauma room one!" One doctor yelled. All of the surgeons wore blue scrubs. His however, was slightly darker than the others. He must be the head surgeon, Mitch thought. All of the surgeons swarmed around Scott. Mitch was tryingto push past them but a nurse pulled him away.

        "I'm sorry sir," she said, "You have to stay back."

        "No! I want to be with him!" Mitch strained forward.

        "Sir! I need you to stop! I will let you be with him, but you need to come with me and answer a few questions!"

        Mitch stopped struggling and let the nurse guide him to the registration desk, occasionally looking back at where the group of doctors were crowded around Scott.


        Down the hall in trauma one, Scott was hanging onto life by a thread. His heart beat was dropping to dangerous levels.

        "We need to stop the bleeding or this man will die!" A doctor yelled as he pressed gauze to Scott's stomache.

        "Nusre Gen!" The head surgeon yelled to a red headed nurse in the corner, "go down to the blood bank and get some more blood!"

        "We don't know his blood type sir." She replied in panic.

        "Well go out to the waiting room and find the boy he came with!"

        Nurse Gen ran out of the trauma room and into the waiting room. A few minutes later, she returned with Mitch at her side.

        "Scott's blood type is O negative. Mitch told the group. "Is he going to be okay?"

        The doctors were blocking Mitch's view of his boyfriend.

        "I said is he gonna be okay? Hello? Hey I'm talking to you!"

        "We don't know! You need to get out!" The head doctor scolded Mitch.

        "Let me say goodbye. Please?" Mitch pushed through the mob of doctors to see Scott one last time. His shirt was ripped open and soaked with blood. There were tubes in his arms and throat. Blood dripped off his body and onto the floor into the pool that formed under his gurney.

        "Sco-" Mitch was interupted by a continuous beep. He looked up at the heart monitor to see a flat line gliding across the screen and all the stats at zero.

        "NO!" Mitch's voice broke as he screamed for Scott to breathe. He strained toward Scott but a male nurse grabbed his arm.

        "Get the paddles!" The head doctor pointed towards the door.

        "Multiple doctors ran out of the room calling code blue.

        "Sir you need to come with me." The male doctor pulled at Mitch's arm.

        "No! I won't leave him!"

        "You need to leave now!"

        "Call security to take him out!" The head doctor barked at the nurse.

        A few minutes after struggling with Mitch, a security guard barged through the door and reached toward Mitch.

        "Don't you dare touch me!" Mitch spat venomously.

        The security guard chuckled and flung Mitch over his shoulder, carrying him out of the room.

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