Thᥱ Bᥲd bᥲtᥴh

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"The droids have overrun our main production facility. It won't be long before the Separatists take Anaxes, compromising our entire reserve fleet." Jedi Master Mace Windu says to Anakin Skywalker and his twin sister: Mika Skywalker.

 "Pardon the interruption, General, but Rex here has a good theory on why we keep, uh... losing." Commander Cody says motioning to Rex.

"Please, Captain."

"The droid army uses analytics to predict our strategy. The first time we use a tactic, it's very effective. The next, less so. In fact, the more we use a certain tactic, the less effective it becomes. They learn our tendencies and use that data against us. To counter them, we're constantly working out ways to vary our attack." Rex says.

"But the losses we are experiencing on Anaxes are not commonplace." Mika says.

"Exactly. The countattacks are so specific, it's my strategy the droids know, my playbook." Rex says, turning off the hologram.

"My concern is that Rex is one of our best. If the droids can learn to defeat him, we may all be vulnerable." Cody says.

"What do you propose?"

"Let Rex and me take a small squad behind enemy lines. There's a Separatist Cyber Center which relays all battlefield intel to their command ship. If we're going to find anything, it will be there." Cody says looking at the two Skywalkers as they consider this idea.

"If you think it will help turn this fight around, get going." Mace says

"Thank you, General."

"Rex, is there anything else?" Anakin finally says and Rex seemed slightly taken aback by the question.

"No, general."

"If you boys don't mind the extra hand... I know some people." Mika says, stopping the two clones.


"Some old friends."


"Look, I know you guys are busy right now with...?" Mika says trailing off as she hears blaster fire on the transmission.

"You don't wanna know."

"You're right I probably don't. But you guys would be helping us so much if you helped Cody and Rex on this." Mika says facing the Hologram that shows a clone fighting something.


"Just... talk it over with them, for me please." Mika says, knowing she can get through to him.


"Thank you, Hunter." Mika says smiling. "Yeah, it's no problem." he says and the transmission suddenly glitches and ends. Mika runs her hand down her face as she tries to  stop smiling but fails.


"I've heard mixed things about these guys." Jesse says leaning against a ramp.

"They have a 100% success rate." Kix says as Cody and Rex descend the ramp and the two join them. "It's not that they win, it's how they win that worries me." Jesse says.

"Shouldn't be too much of a problem. General Mika trusts them." Kix says as a speaker announces a ship landing... Fast.

The clones join Mika as she stands a few feet away from the ship that had a messy landing.

"So why haven't I heard of this squad?" Rex says as Mika approaches the ship.

"Experimental unit Clone Force 99, they're defective clones with, uh... desirable mutations." Cody says.

𝐑𝐮𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐱𝐲  ✰ The Bad Batch ✰Where stories live. Discover now