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If there were any days dedicated to not entering a shady bar. Today would be one of those days as Omega scares a woman out of the bar as she misses with her new bow blaster and it hits the wall right next to the woman.

"Sorry." Omega pulls back the bow with shaky hands as Echo helps her.

"Arms level... and keep your eye on the target."

"You can do it, kid!" one of the regular aliens says as they decide to join the others in watching.

"Not a chance. Miss! Come on! Miss!"

Omega lets go and the bolt hits the edge of the target and she cheers as the aliens pay for the bets the two of them made. "Ah! Got it."

"Good. Again."

"But I've already hit the target three times." Omega mentions. 

"Out of 12. That's luck, Omega, not skill. Soldiers need to be consistent." Echo states and she sighs and she aims again and fires and the bolt fires straight into one of the holotables and she groans. "I was doing better until those two showed up." She says as the two aliens laugh.

"I think we all were doing better until they showed up." Genesis murmurs as the others nod in agreement.

"You have to learn to tune out distractions, which comes with practice." Echo states "Again."

Omega aims and shoots and the bolt heads straight to the wall.

"Not exactly a natural, is she?" Wrecker whispers and Hunter and Gen shrug as Cid hits Wrecker on the shoulder.

"Okay, playtime's over. We need to talk." Cid turns to the other aliens. "You two, scram." and he shoos off the aliens.

"I assume you guys know what a tactical droid is?" and everyone nods except Omega who just shakes her head. "They were the opera-"

"The operational brains of the Separatist military-" Tech starts to explain but Cid cuts him off. "Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba. This is my briefing, Goggles." Cid pushes Wrecker off one of the holotables and shows them the droid.

"Tactical droid intel has tremendous value, which is why you're gonna break into this decommissioning facility on Corellia and retrieve one before they're all destroyed."

"We haven't decided if we're gonna work for you or not." Genesis adds raising an eyebrow.

"Allow me to decide for you. You're in!" Cid states and Genesis rolls her eyes. "I'm talking a mutually beneficial arrangement. You make money, I make money, and I watch your back. With the heat on you, it's the best option you've got."

Hunter sighs. "I guess we're in."

"I know you're in. I just told you you're in." Cid states and points at Omega. "And you, you're releasing too soon because of those weak noodle arms. Build up your strength." Cid adds, taking the bow from Omega and fires them rapidly dead in the center. "Lesson over."


The marauder sits on the bottom of one of the ships entering Corellia.

"This old trick?" Echo questions.

"It gets us past the planetary sensors every time." Tech states pressing a few buttons as Genesis rests her feet on the console as she leans back.

"Why is a tactical droid more important than the other droids?" Omega asks.

"The more tactical droids fought, the more they learned... and won." Echo explains. "Yeah, except against us." Wrecker chuckles.

"With clones now serving the Empire, knowing how to defeat them just went up in value."

"We're approaching the decommissioning site. We can land at the industrial dockyard and go in on foot." Genesis says as Tech releases the Marauder from the bottom of the ship and flies down to the site.

𝐑𝐮𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐱𝐲  ✰ The Bad Batch ✰Where stories live. Discover now