Trᥙth ᥲᥒd Coᥒsᥱqᥙᥱᥒᥴᥱs

361 8 5

Trigger Warning: PTSD, Anxiety/Panic attack

****  to mark when it starts and when it'll end


Sitting on the ramp outside of the Marauder, the quiet presence of the hanger was disturbed by Genesis' sharpening her sword's blade against a sharpening stone, lost her in own thoughts as the world around her and the sound of her sword sharpening seemed to fade away into an array of pure silence replaced with a ringing that didn't bother the female.

Not until she felt a touch on her shoulder as her head shot around to face Hunter as her face had formed into a look that he couldn't truly figure out as she tilted her head, silently asking what he wanted before he told her they had a transmission incoming and that it was important. She placed the stone on the step, her sword next to it as she followed her brother onto the ship and into the cockpit.

Entering the cockpit Tech accepted the transmission as a cloaked Mika with fairly longer hair that now reached her collarbone appeared in front of them.

"Hey, boys. Genesis." She nodded at the female as the clone returned the gesture with her own, a small smile on her lips. "Any chance we can use your squad's expertise for a mission?"

Sharing a glance with each other, Wrecker let out a laugh as he was clearly tired of waiting around for Cid for a next job, resulting in a chuckle from the former Jedi.

"What do you need, Mika?"

"We'll explain everything when you get to Coruscant." Crossing her arms across her chest, expecting the utter surprise of the planet they were at that brain of the hive for the Empire. And more surprised that the former Jedi was even on that planet without any worry for her wellbeing.

"Coruscant? That's a big ask, Mika." Humming she glanced at her feet before locking eyes with the sergeant. That familiar smirk on her face as she knew Hunter was clearly worried for her at the mention of her being on the planet. Despite not showing it.

Omega asked what was on Coruscant that earned a silent, tamed reaction from the clones as Tech explained it was the galactic capital and the heart of the Empire. Before he added, directly pointed at Mika that it was much too dangerous for Mika to be there.

"Thanks for that goggles." She deadpanned as Echo added that the Empire thinks that they were dead.

"I'd like to keep it that way."

"I know love, I wish for that too. But we're not storming the capital. Although I wish we were." Mika murmured that last part before continuing. "It's a simple covert mission. It's an easy data extraction but incredibly crucial. I'll send over a flight plan to bypass Imperial security along with coordinates to a safe landing zone."

"We're on our way." An immediate answer from Echo didn't surprise the Skywalker as she nodded before ending the transmission as her hologram figure disappeared.

"Well," Genesis spoke up after a minute of silence as they let the information sink in about what they were asked to do from Mika. "What are we waiting for?"


Getting through the blockades were easy enough as they jumped out of hyperspace and flew down straight into the bustling city. A frown on her lips, Genesis leaned back in her chair as she gazed out at the city as Omega did the same, but a look of wonder and curiosity was spread across her face as the marauder flew towards this large circle that dove deeper into the planet as ships around them sank lower down in the planet or rose up passed them as they turned the ship towards a landing pad.

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