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Wouldn't it be the first time that Mika had snuck onto a mission that she wasn't supposed to be on? No, just ask her brother or Ahsoka. 

Currently, the ex-jedi was sitting next to Hunter, leaning into his side as the two watched the exchange closely as she grasped his hand under the table and squeezed in reassurance.

Phee and Omega, were sitting across from three masked people, having some sort of business to attend to with them. And all throughout the bar sat the other Clone Force 99 members.

Genesis was playing with a knife in her hand as a drink sat next to her as she sat in a booth, taking count of everyone here.

The sound of an animal dying and a knife cutting through the air caught the clone's attention as their heads snapped to the table as Hunter had been the one who'd thrown the knife as the two members stood up. Mika was still sitting down as her hand fell to her side where her blaster sat.

Mika nodded as Genesis slid out of the booth towards the others as Wrecker began to get involved as Phee made a remark about stuff finally getting interesting as Genesis snuck behind two of the gang members, two electricity charged knives sat at their throats.

She waited for someone to make the first move as Wrecker took out one as she slid both their throats before throwing her knife at another one directly in the chest as Hunter took out another member as a full blaster fight broke out.

Mika who had hid behind a table began shooting at the other members as Omega shot a light off, trapping the leader under.

"Where's the smart one when you need him!"

It seemed like Hunter had heard Genesis as he called Tech for a pick-up.

More members rushed in as Omega told them it was probably time to go before they got heavily overwhelmed. Genesis threw a few colored smoke grenades blinding the enemies as the group ran out of the bar right as the Marauder landed as everyone rushed onto the ship.


"You know, Omega was pretty impressive back there." Phee comments to Hunter.

"Her training's paying off."

"Oh, I know she's got the whole soldier thing-down. But don't you think she should learn some other skills?"

"What other skills?" Tech inquired as Genesis turned her chair around to face Phee. Interested in what the pirate has to say.

"Omega spends all her time with you five. She needs friends. Ones her own age and who don't share her genetic profile. Excluding Mika."

"We never had such a thing. I do not see the Issue."

"No kidding." Phee shook her head as Genesis was about to open her mouth to add something as a comm went off with her closing it in response as Tech told them a transmission was coming through. And it's from Cid.

𝐑𝐮𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐱𝐲  ✰ The Bad Batch ✰Where stories live. Discover now