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"Hunter, Tech, Gen. We were spotted by scrappers." Echo's voice rings through the comms as the three wait for the others.

"Wrecker's in pursuit. He says he has it under control."

"That's not comforting."

"I second that."
"Echo, get a visual."

"I'm on it."

"Visual, Wrecker getting thrown around by those lift things they use." Genesis remarks as she sits on the ground and the three continue to wait.


Wrecker brings the last unconscious scrapper up the overlook as Echo explains how Rex and Mika warned them about the patrols and how they should leave.

"In our present situation, we need money. And we have a chance to make a lot of it right here." Hunter recalls as Wrecker laughs. "In this dump? How?"

"Tech, what's the potential haul inside this cruiser?"

"My scans indicate the armory and artillery bay have not been fully off-loaded. The dianoga must have kept the scrappers away." Tech answers and Genesis claps her hands. "Great, so we grab that junk, haul it out and boom we're rich."

"Gen's right." Hunter admits and Genesis chuckles. "Man, it feels good to hear those two words in the same sentence.

"We're soldiers, not arm smugglers." Echo argues. 

"There's no Republic for us to rely on anymore. We're presented with an opportunity here. We have to take it."

"I would also add that the intel from the bridge's central system has the potential to be worth far more than any weapon." Tech adds as Wrecker scoffs. "Not to me."

"Tech, get to the bridge. Get the power online and whatever intel you can gather." Hunter orders as Tech nods. "Uh, what do we do about them?" Omega motions to the unconscious scrappers who were bound.

"We'll grab what we need and be gone before they even wake up." Genesis reassures and everyone goes their separate ways into the cruiser.


Wrecker pulls open the door to the weaponry and the group walks in, looking around as abandoned crates that have been gathering dust and rust lay around.

"Oh, yeah, we're set." Genesis remarks as everyone starts looking around. Her and Hunter start loading crates onto a lift as the lights turn on.

"The power's back on."

"Yeah, we can see that." Wrecker says as he grabs onto the barred door and tries to rip it off but Omega stops him as she presses a button on the pad and the door opens and Wrecker rushes in.

"Whoa! So many proton torpedoes." Wrecker pulls one out. "Come here, beautiful." Omega gasps "Can you show me how to arm that?"

"Sorry, kid. This one's all mine."
Suddenly Omega's comm goes off, "Omega, I need you up on the bridge."

"Copy that." She runs off as the three approach Wrecker kissing the proton. "Mind if ya stop making out with said proton." Genesis calls out.

"With a haul like this, Cid will owe us for a change."

"If we'd left with Rex and Mika, we wouldn't have to owe Cid at all." Echo repeats for the second time.

"They're on a different path than us." Genesis reminds. "Guys, we're soldiers. What other path is there?" echo says pushing the lift leaving Hunter and Genesis.

𝐑𝐮𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐱𝐲  ✰ The Bad Batch ✰Where stories live. Discover now