A dιstᥲᥒt Eᥴho

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"Word is the general staff isn't completely behind this mission." Hunter says as himself, Rex, Genesis, Anakin and Mika walk out of the hanger.

"I admit the idea that Echo is still alive is a long shot." Rex says.

"I'm sure the Council will approve the mission. Just remember the primary goal is to learn how the Separatists are predicting our strategy, whether it's Echo behind it or not." Anakin says and Genesis and Hunter look at each other.

"Well, if you want my opinion, it sounds like a trap, but me and the boys will tag along anyway, if only to say 'I told you so.' " Genesis says.

"Just make sure you're ready if we get the Go-ahead from General Kenobi." Mika says, crossing her arms across her chest.

"If you're certain he'll approve the mission, why wait? Let's get going." Rex says. "First, we have that thing to do." Anakin says and Mika furrows her eyebrows.

"Uh, what thing?"

"You know." Anakin says and Mika finally understands what he means.

"We don't have time for that, sir." Rex says

"Yes, we do." Anakin insists and Mika sighs "Well, we'll just let you two sort this out. We'll be waiting on the ship with the rest of the team." Hunter says and he and Genesis head back towards the ship.

"Wonder what that was about." Genesis says and Hunter just shrugs.

"Come on you two. I'm late as it is." Anakin scolds and Mika rolls her eyes as the three head to a bunks area.

The three arrive at the bunks and Rex hands his helmet to Anakin and he heads into the bunks while Mika and Rex stand guard.

"You are so bad at acting casual..." Mika says sitting on the ramp.

After a few minutes Obi Wan waves as he approaches the two. "Oh, great."

"You're handling this." Mika says smirking as she rests against the wall.

"Rex, Mika, where's Anakin? I need to speak to him about this mission." Obi Wan says.

"Well, General, he's, um..."

"Well, he's inside your barracks, isn't he?" Obi Wan says and Mika sighs watching Rex trying to cover for her brother. 

"Yes sir." 

"What's going on here?"

"Nothing. We're just waiting for Anakin." Mika says as she finishes her long shoulder braid that reached to her hip where her lightsabers were.

"You'll have to do better than that, Mika." Obi Wan says and Mika gives him a look as she sends a message to Anakin through the force.

'Hurry up, Obi Wan is suspecting something's up.'

'Hold on.'

Mika rolls her eyes at her brother's stubbornness as Obi Wan speaks up. "Then what is Anakin doing in there?"

"Ah, he's spot-checking my gear, sir." Rex says. "Really? Without you?"

"Well..." Finally the door opens revealing Anakin. "Here you go, Rex." Anakin tosses Rex's helmet back to him. "And try not to break it again."

"Anakin." Obi Wan says as Mika gets up from her spot and heads down the ramp. "About this mission, the Council thinks–"

"That it's a good idea? I agree. Let's get moving you two." Mika says.

"No wait, that's not–" 

"No time." Anakin says.

"I hope you at least told Padmé I said hello." Obi Wan says and Anakin stops to glance at Obi Wan and turns to Mika and she shrugs on how he knows and the three head to the Marauder.

𝐑𝐮𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐱𝐲  ✰ The Bad Batch ✰Where stories live. Discover now