Thᥱ Crossιᥒg

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It has not even been 48 hours and Cid already gave them a mission now that Echo had left them. To be fair, Cid didn't even know Mika was with them so that drew a lot more attention on what jobs they did from Cid for now on. Or at least for a bit.

Genesis was... stable in a way, she hasn't had any attacks since and it seems like a good start. But now Hunter and Tech were keeping a closer eye on the girl in case she snapped again. She had been offered to stay on the ship but insisted she was fine and ready to do this. The only thing she had to do was take it slow and take a break if needed. But she's been extra quiet since then.

The Marauder had landed on a cliffside on a planet that was fairly unknown, according to Cid it carried some element that was pretty valuable. Only place to get it was apparently here. This mine Cid purchased.

One by one they exited as Omega and Wrecker carried most of the gear approaching a door that was built into the mountain that was locked shut.

"According to Cid's coordinates, this is the mine she purchased." Tech told them, observing the door up and down.

"And we're supposed to do what?" Omega asked, speaking for the skywalker who too was confused on why they were here also.

"Excavate the site for ipsium. It is tremendously valuable when refined. However, in its raw state, the mineral is highly combustible, like a primed thermal detonator."

"Sounds dangerous." Wrecker laughed as Tech unlocked the door.  "I like it." The door beeped a few times as the rusty door opened slowly. Revealing a very faded light that was near of going out. The lift rises slightly up to the door.

Mika heard slight thunder as she turned to see a storm of clouds in the distance, squinting her eyes, her cloak waved slightly from the wind blowing in their direction. Watching as the clouds seemingly moved away from them. Her head turned as she watched Hunter kneel down and picked up a few rocks.

Tech, noticing them watching the storm in the distance he asked if there was a problem. Mika shook her head.

"The storm's moving away from us. We should be fine. Tech, we'll mine the ipsium." Hunter told him as he told Wrecker and Omega to keep watch.

"Actually... Can I help with the lookout?" Genesis spoke up as she clenched her hands a few times. After Tech explained she might want to take part in the mission but do more simpler things like lookout it wasn't a surprise to them. 

"Yeah, sure." Hunter nodded as Wrecker questioned if he meant all three of them.

"Without Echo, we are a man down. Mika hasn't fully learned the system of how we work. No offense." Tech explained as the female shrugged.

"I worked with you guys long enough to get the idea."

"You four, go. Me and Gen will be lookouts." Omega said sadly. Still very sad of Echo leaving him.

"You sure? Cid warned us about poachers in the area." The two girls nodded. 

𝐑𝐮𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐱𝐲  ✰ The Bad Batch ✰Where stories live. Discover now