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FBI HRT began collecting evidence and the SEALs were rounding up prisoners. Ziva and McGee were collecting computer hardware and prepping everything for transport via truck. The Marines were securing and confiscating enemy weapons, the FBI had made this request to track down the arms suppliers associated with terrorists and organized crime syndicates. Holloway was radioing the TOC, filling them in on the details, while Julian secured the confiscated materials for transportation. Suddenly the sniper's radio went off.

"Alpha team, this is Bravo One we are coming under heavy enemy fire, come in," Patterson radioed in. "Primary QRF is not responding we need immediate support, over."

Holloway looked to Julian and gave him a nod.

"Bravo One, Alpha Two here, WILCO, " Jace responded. "We are twenty mikes to your location, Over."

"Copy Alpha Two, Bravo One out."

"LOAD UP!" shouted Holloway. "THE ODA NEEDS BACKUP!"

Everyone immediately finished what they were doing and began to move. The agents secured the evidence and prisoners into the trucks while the Marines and SEALs stacked into the Chinook.
. . .

"What do you mean the Rangers aren't able to respond?!" RSO McGowan burst.

"I mean that they've been engaged by insurgents, " said Sampson. "They're trying to power through but they won't get there in time."

"My SEALs and the Marines are peeling off from the DOJ elements and are en route to their location, " said Blackwell.

Gibbs, DiNozzo, and Sharon watched their comrades fend off hostiles, waiting for backup, on the screens.

"This is starting to turn into an actual Blackhawk Down scenario," said DiNozzo. At this, he clammed up once he remembered who was out there and who he was standing with.

"What is it with you and inappropriate movie references?" snapped the female Patterson, irritated by DiNozzo's insensitivity.

"We don't have anything to worry about," said the senior agent, Gibbs was confident in his son and the troops serving with him. "Those are our boys out there."

. . .

Julian and the other operators mounted up, preparing to rappel onto their target. He went over his gear, he had swapped out his MK12 SPR for a CQBR, three extra magazines, his SIG had been untouched, thus all mags were fully loaded.

The aircraft's hatch opened and everyone stacked up preparing for action. Holloway was the jumpmaster and Julian was right behind him, second to follow-through.

"ON MY MARK!" the LT called out. "THREE. TWO. ONE. GO!"

With that, the two senior members of the platoon rappelled down to their brothers. Julian and Holloway slide down with speed and practiced balance. The moment they reached the ground they provided cover fire for the rest of their team. When everyone was on the ground the helicopter withdrew.

 When everyone was on the ground the helicopter withdrew

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Bound by Blood, Forged in FireWhere stories live. Discover now